The Best ‘1989 (Taylor’s Version)’ Song for Each Zodiac Sign

1989 Songs Zodiac Signs

Welcome to 1989 (Taylor's Version) – it's been waiting for you! On Friday, October 27, 2023, Taylor Swift released her latest re-recorded album at the stroke of midnight. It's been a long time coming for fans who have been anticipating Swift's genre-defying album.  Since the 1989 era, Swift has re-defined her musical taste, aesthetics, and style more times than we can count. And this was the album that started it all. So, in honor of 1989 (Taylor's Version) coming out on October 27, 2023, just in time for the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus, we're celebrating with a cosmic round-up of song recommendations.

Grab your headphones and keep reading to find which song from 1989 (Taylor's Version) you should listen to based on your zodiac sign.

Aries: "Shake It Off"

As an Aries, you possess endless amounts of energy, which you channel to propel yourself forward in life. You are a confident and driven person who has a clear plan and is not afraid to take risks. Driven by an internal fire, you shine brightly like a star. Sometimes, life throws unexpected challenges, but that's okay because you can "Shake It Off" and start again. That makes this 1989 track with the same name the perfect soundtrack for your life. This upbeat pop classic has an uplifting vibe and motivational message that reminds you that no matter what happens, you have the strength and resilience to bounce back and keep moving forward. With its catchy tune and inspiring message, "Shake It Off" is the perfect reminder that you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to.

Taurus: "I Wish You Would"

Taurus has a reputation for being stubborn, which is why it might surprise people that you're such a softie in love. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, you yearn for a partner who will love you with the same intensity and devotion you have. Despite your strength and self-sufficiency, you secretly long for someone to come into your life and sweep you off your feet. You dream of a partner who will stand by you, support you through thick and thin, and fight for your love. "I Wish You Would" is a moody break-up song that explores the feeling of wishing someone would fight for you. As someone who is often seen as tough and unbreakable, this song allows you to reveal your vulnerabilities and emotions. It's a perfect way to showcase your softer, romantic side to the world.

RELATED: The Best Taylor Swift Love Song for Each Zodiac Sign.

Gemini: "Welcome to New York"

Gemini is the social butterfly of the zodiac, with a curious mind that takes you to new places. You have no trouble making new friends, exploring unknown adventures, and pushing yourself to grow as an individual. For Geminis, music is an essential part of life. Each new era of your life needs a defining soundtrack to match. That's why you need a 1989 song with an upbeat sound that matches your optimistic side. "Welcome to New York" is about the feeling you get when starting a new chapter in life. The song's message about smiling in the face of the unknown perfectly captures the essence of your ever-curious and ever-evolving nature. Not to mention, it makes a great dance floor beat for you and all of your friends to enjoy. So, turn up the volume and let the music take you over!

Cancer: "Wonderland"

As the only zodiac sign ruled by the moon, Cancers experience emotions more deeply than any other sign. You're blessed with the gift of intuition, and you're able to pick up on the emotions and moods of others with ease. This gift helps you forge deep bonds with your friends, family, and lovers. However, sometimes living in this dreamscape can have you feeling like you're falling down the rabbit hole. And when a Cancer falls hopelessly in love? Nothing can stop the all-consuming lavender haze. If you're searching for a song from 1989 that flawlessly conveys how falling in love causes you to lose your mind, then "Wonderland" is your match made in unbreakable heaven. Madness, magic, heaven, sin-just about everything a Cancer could want from the perfect relationship.

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Leo: "Bad Blood"

Leo is known as the warm and friendly extrovert of the zodiac. You have a natural ability to shine your light on the people around you and show your support in every possible way. You never try to compete with your friends; instead, you elevate each other to be the best you can be. However, if the people you trust turn on you, you can be just as vengeful and vicious as a lion with teeth. "Bad Blood" is an anthem for those who are reclaiming their position as the one on top after being a people pleaser for too long. Leo's know that at the end of the day, you have to put your needs first, no matter how much you used to care about the person or situation. And if they thought you were a problem before, just wait.

Virgo: "All You Had To Do Was Stay"

Just because Virgos are known for being a perfectionist doesn't necessarily mean that you always get things right in your personal life, especially when it comes to relationships. You've got a bit of a reputation for going after the bad boys when you know you shouldn't. Maybe it's the excitement of the unknown or the thrill of the chase that draws you in, or you really think you can fix them. So it's no surprise you relate to Taylor's music and her melancholy melodies about wishing you could return and make things right. "All You Had To Do Was Stay" is a bittersweet anthem reflecting on the past mistakes of a relationship that was never going to work out. As a Virgo, you know staying grounded in heartbreak is the best way to move forward, and songs like this are the first step toward moving on.

RELATED: This Is the Best Taylor Swift Breakup Song for Each Zodiac Sign.

Libra: "You Are In Love"

It's no wonder that many Libras are fans of Taylor Swift. When it comes to matters of the heart, Libras are known for being idealistic and passionate. You tend to have high expectations for romance, and once you find someone special, you fall hard. There's no use trying to use logic with you once you've met someone, so you might as well embrace it and let yourself get lost in the labyrinth. "You Are in Love" beautifully captures the essence of an all-consuming romance. In these kinds of relationships, words aren't always necessary, as the feelings between the two individuals say it all. This song is perfect for those moments when you and your loved one are dancing around the kitchen barefoot together, lost in the moment, and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Scorpio: "Blank Space"

Scorpios are known for being intense and passionate, often keeping your emotions close to the chest. You can be mysterious, making you seem unapproachable to some people. However, Scorpios are not afraid to explore deeper feelings, even when you're feeling moody or emotional. You're highly reflective and enjoy delving into your own psyche to understand yourself better. However, despite your sensitivity, Scorpios often get a bad reputation for being vengeful and petty. But why not have a little fun with your haters and make light of how little they actually know about you? "Blank Space" is a tongue-in-cheek pop song that showcases the wild side of Scorpios. The lyrics are perfect for when you need to vent and scream because you feel like the world just doesn't understand you.

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Sagittarius: "I Know Places"

Sagittarius is a fire sign that never stops - fierce, independent, and always setting new trends. You share a star sign with Taylor Swift, who is known for constantly reinventing herself, and you can relate to this trait. You are always pushing yourself to explore new places and learn new things to become the best version of yourself. However, all this running around can leave you feeling burned out, and sometimes you just need to hide away and be with the people who know you best. When the world tries to put you in a cage or limit you to a specific box, the lyrics of "I Know Places" will inspire you to stay true to yourself even in tough times. This song reminds you that you have the power to break free from the constraints of others' expectations and chart your own course.

Capricorn: "Style"

As a Capricorn, you have a deep appreciation for classic things, including timeless style. Life can be challenging for you as Saturn, the planet known for restriction and limitations, rules over you. However, this also grants you the emotional strength necessary to weather any storm that comes your way. Regardless of what happens in life, you remain true to yourself and persevere against all odds. This trait is also evident in your love life, where you seek a lifelong partner who shares your grounded, independent, and practical nature and matches your lifestyle. As a Capricorn, you understand that true love takes time and effort, and you are willing to work to keep your connection strong. That's why you deserve a love that never goes out of "Style" – even when times get tough.

RELATED: Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce's Astrological Compatibility Explained.

Aquarius: "New Romantics"

Aquarius is often viewed as an unconventional and rebellious individual when it comes to love. You enjoy exploring different options and creating a buzz while winning people's hearts. You may think that you're the only one playing around, but if you're not careful, you could find yourself caught up in a passionate and intense relationship. The perfect 1989 song for you will celebrate your openness in love as someone who is not afraid to break free from the shackles of traditional norms. Taylor Swift's "New Romantics" perfectly resonates with your free-spirited nature as an air sign. Some people might criticize you for not adhering to traditional norms and expectations, but that won't stop you from enjoying your life. You don't take yourself too seriously and are always open to possibilities. And this upbeat dance floor hit is the perfect song for celebrating a new wave of love.

Pisces: "Wildest Dreams"

Pisces is known for being the creative daydreamer of the zodiac, always finding the silver lining. You forgive easily and wear your heart on your sleeve. As a Pisces, you possess a sensitive soul and a vivid imagination, which can sometimes lead you to get lost in your own thoughts. While you cherish the memories and lessons learned along the way, it's important to remember that nostalgia can have a bittersweet aftertaste. Revisiting old relationships may not always be a good idea. Instead of reaching out to that person, you can listen to "Wildest Dreams" and relive the fantasies in your mind. This beautifully haunting track is a perfect way to honor your feelings without going back to something that may not be good for you. Sometimes, it's best to leave things to your imagination.

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