My best friend and I have been stuck in a competitive relationship since childhood. Even worse, our moms are involved. What should I do?

Everyone experiences hardships from time to time — whether it be friendship drama, boyfriend scandals, or job-related challenges. In order to help you navigate these troubled waters, The Morning Breath has generously donated time every week to help their viewers overcome any predicament — big or small.

This week was especially important, as Claudia and Jackie received an update on a past “Dear Breathers” inquiry from a group of college friends who suspected that their roommates were gay and interested in each other but didn’t know whether they should confront the friends to ask. After the Oshry sisters advised them not to confront the two roommates (because absolutely under no circumstances should you spoil someone’s coming-out-of-the-closet moment), the advice was implemented, to success! The girls came out to their friends and roommate just in time for everyone to spend the semester abroad.

As to whether the newly public couple can make it an international romance? Claudia isn’t holding her breath but is nonetheless thrilled for their young love.

Moving on, this week’s problem to solve comes from an anonymous inquirer who shares that she has been stuck in a competitive friendship with her friend, under the pseudonym Elizabeth, for years. She and Elizabeth are roommates, but the writer shares that Elizabeth is constantly criticizing her and reporting imperfections to her mom. To make matters worse, their mothers are also friends and seem to be keeping a competition alive for who has the most successful daughter. One story Elizabeth shared with her mom even included “drinking problem” allegations!

Should the two roommates resign their lease and try to save a decade-old friendship? We think not. “Get the f*** out,” advises Claudia. “I hate snitches.”

A good compromise might be to move Elizabeth from the “best friend basket” to the “family friend basket,” suggests Jackie.

What is so important about hanging on to friendships solely for the sake of longevity? “I am so not here for lifelong friendships,” offers Jackie. Suffice it to say, you might not have as much in common with your friend in your 20s as you did in first grade, when you guys bonded over having the same favorite color, which is totally fine, acceptable, and expected. Move on.

If you want a chance for Claudia and Jackie to answer your life questions live on-air, email [email protected].