The Best Marvel Spider-Man Variant Covers
Amazing Spider-Man 26 Spider-Verse
Everyone loves Spider-Man. Mary Jane, obviously. Gwen Stacy too. And where would Aunt May be without her precious Peter? Then there's the rogues' gallery of regular villains - Doc Ock, Venom, a number of different colored Goblins, Rhino and that fella with the hairy chest. They all love to hate on Spider-Man across multiple Spider-Verses.
There’s also the 2.5 million PS5 owners who bought Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 on its first day of release. They love a bit of the webhead. Yep, it’s fair to say that Peter Parker hasn’t lost any of his attraction since he first appeared in 1962.
Marvel knows this, which is why he’s blessed with such long-running comic books and is always at the forefront of crossovers or any other opportunity that requires a wholesome super hero with sticky wrists.
We love him too! Which is why we wanted to honor Spider-Man with a look at some of his finest work on Marvel’s seemingly endless parade of variant comic book covers from the past five years.
This Spider-Verse cover riffs on the classic Amazing Fantasy 15 cover - the very first appearance of Spider-Man - but this time it's Mary Jane doing the rescuing.
View the 15 images of this gallery on the original article
Variant covers often take more creative liberties with the characters and their looks, so offer a more unique twist on iconic heroes. And this list gallery isn’t strictly limited to Spider-Man himself, either. As with all the best heroes, we’ve taken it on a spin-off route to include any of the main characters associated with Spider-Man. They might not strictly be Spider-Man books either - so long as they feature a little web and wonder, then we wanted to feature them.
Spider-Man is on a roll right now. Marvel has just announced a return of the Edge of Spider-Verse series that will introduce a new hero/villain from the Weapon X facility, and Across The Spider-Verse begins streaming on Netflix at the end of this month.
If you’re looking for more variant covers, you can find Spider-Man’s PS5 game costumes in this gallery, gaze at the state of Wolverine ahead of his 50th anniversary next year, or check out the forthcoming variant covers for Secret Wars: Battleworld.