These Are the Best Shows to Watch While You're Working Out
Those who prefer to watch television over listening to music at the gym understand the extremely delicate balance a show must pull off to qualify as decent workout viewing. Ideally, it's somewhat inspirational. It's not dark, but not too funny, because nobody wants to be laughing like maniac at the gym. There shouldn't be any extremely graphic sex scenes. It should also be interesting enough to keep you on the cardio machine of your choice for a full episode, but not so bingeable that you end up going home and finishing the series. Here are 10 shows that make the cut.
The WWE Divas might just be the greatest workout inspo of all time. Both Total Divas and the Bella Twins spinoff,Total Bellas, are dramatic enough to make you forget that you're working out, but filled with enough #fitspo to keep you going.
I promise that not every single show on this list is wrestling related, but what can I say? It's an entertaining, high energy sport! Anyway, the lifestyle on GLOW isn't as aspirational as the one that today's WWE Divas are living, but it's still fun to watch.
I know you've probably watched SATC like, a million times, but hear me out. It's a great show to watch while you're working out (or... really doing anything, actually) because you already know what's going to happen, so if you're only half-watching, it's NBD. Despite your personal opinion on Carrie Bradshaw, the series has a very "girl power-y" vibe, which is a great kind of energy to submerge yourself in at the gym.
New fitness goal: see if you can possibly run as fast as Lorelai and Rory talk.
If you say you haven't practiced your runway walk on a treadmill, you are straight up lying. We've all done it. You might as well catch some pointers from Tyra Banks while you're at it.
Statistically speaking, Pretty Little Liars is the IDEAL show to watch at the gym. There are seven seasons, each with more than 20 episodes that are all about 45 minutes long. If you watch PLL at the gym three times a week, it'll be almost a year before you run out of episodes to watch.
If Kimmy Schmidt can survive a cult, you can survive like, 15 more minutes on that stair climber. Keep it movin'.
I have three words for you: Gym, tanning, laundry. That is all.
JK, I have a few more words. When the Jersey Shore crew is not GTLing, there is typically club music playing in some capacity, which is still quite fun for your workout. You'll soon be well on your way to becoming your very own gorilla juicehead!
There's music! There's dancing! There's sports! It's perfect!
Have you ever noticed how easy it is to rip through like, 10 episodes of The Office when you're supposed to be doing something else? I can't guarantee that this is true, but MAYBE The Office makes time fly! If you want your workouts to feel shorter, maybe hanging out with the Dunder Mifflin staff is the trick?
Those who prefer to watch television over listening to music at the gym understand the extremely delicate balance a show must pull off to qualify as decent workout viewing. Ideally, it's somewhat inspirational. It's not dark, but not too funny, because nobody wants to be laughing like maniac at the gym. There shouldn't be any extremely graphic sex scenes. It should also be interesting enough to keep you on the cardio machine of your choice for a full episode, but not so bingeable that you end up going home and finishing the series. Here are 10 shows that make the cut.
'The Great British Bake Off' did not make this list, sorry.
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