The Best Tarot Card for Love Isn’t What You’d Expect, According to an Expert Tarot Reader
People turn to tarot for many reasons, including getting enlightenment or guidance on something happening in their lives. While many might think of tarot as a fortune-telling device, it’s not always used that way. Sometimes the cards can give us clarity on something we’re struggling with emotionally, including love and relationships. And now that we’re in the season of love thanks to Valentine’s Day, you might want some introspection on your current romance. So what’s the best card to get if you go in for a love reading?
While many probably think of the Lovers card right off the bat, our tarot expert Theresa Reed has a different perspective. Read on to find out more! Also, read on to find out if you should get a tarot reading right after a breakup and if you should freak out following a “bad” tarot reading regarding your partner.
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The Best Tarot Card to Pull for Love, According to an Expert Tarot Reader
Like we said, the Lovers tarot card, when upright, is a good thing to pull if you’re in a tarot reading about love or relationships. It usually carries harmony, trust, unity and confidence in a relationship. And while Reed says the card is “awesome,” it’s not the best card for love, at least for her.
“In my opinion, the Ace of Cups is the ultimate card for love,” she tells Parade, as seen in the video up top. “Number one, this card here is so open, but also it is about new beginnings.”
Reed says that if you’re single, this could mean that there’s “a new possibility in a relationship.” If you’re already coupled up, this card could mean that there will be a “deepening” in the relationship or it could mean that forgiveness and healing are on their way.
“There are so many possibilities in this card,” Reed says. “And so wherever you are, whether you're single, ready to mingle, in a committed relationship or in a troubled relationship, this card says, ‘I'm open, I'm receptive, and I'm also giving as much as I'm getting.’ And that is love. Super good card to see, one of my favorites.”
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Should You Get a Tarot Reading Right After a Breakup?
Getting the Ace of Cups in a love tarot reading sounds like a great scenario. However, what if you’re in a rocky moment in your relationship or you’ve just gone through a breakup? Should you head off to receive a tarot reading to clear your head or give you direction? You might have already anticipated the answer; you shouldn’t be highly emotional when getting a tarot reading, so that’s probably not a great idea. But unfortunately, a lot of TikTok tarot readers lean into giving readings about “lost love.” And Reed says that’s not helpful.
“People who are dealing with unhealthy relationships or broke up recently. They're very vulnerable,” she tells Parade. “And so they want to hear a reading like, ‘He's thinking about you right now, you're on his mind, he wants you back, but he doesn't know how to do it.’ That kind of information will reel people in who are extremely vulnerable, and it doesn't help them; that does not help somebody.”
Essentially, a lot of people who are trying to grow their following will create content like this because people are searching for it. But that doesn’t mean it’s ethical (and odds are, it’s a bit shady and potentially not genuine). They’re really just telling you what you want to hear.
As we’ve said before, it’s not good to go into a tarot reading fresh out of a breakup for many reasons. Reed told us previously that in this state you’ll likely hear what you want to hear from a reader, not necessarily what they’re telling you. She suggests that if you’re really over a breakup but want a love reading, make sure to go to an experienced tarot reader with good reviews.
“You're more likely to get a reading then that's going to be helpful, instead of giving you false hope and false promises,” she says.
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What You Should Know About Compatibility Charts or ‘Bad’ Love Readings
But what about if you’re in a good, healthy relationship? Should you watch out for things in a love tarot reading? Maybe you want to know if this is your soulmate or forever person, or maybe you want to make sure you’re on the right path. With any tarot reading, you have to be open and ready for the fact that you might receive a less-than-favorable reading. But one thing you shouldn’t do is freak out about a “bad” love tarot reading.
Tarot is here to help and guide you through sticky situations or give you things to think about to gain clarity regarding a question you might have. However, it’s not telling you things that are set in stone and tarot readings shouldn’t rule how you live your life. First off, different readers can interpret the same cards differently. And just like the Death card doesn’t necessarily mean literal death is around the corner, a negative reading regarding your love life might not be all bad depending on how you view it. And if it is? You have autonomy in your own life.
“You're always in charge,” Reed notes. “We have agency, we can make different decisions. And if the cards show problems, it can work out.”
Maybe the “bad” cards are a wake-up call, Reed suggests. Maybe there are unhealthy tendencies and the cards might spur you and your partner to choose to fight for your relationship and work on your issues. That’s also why Reed doesn’t buy into “bad” or “incompatible” astrological charts either, because “there are still choices you can make.” And she would know; she and her current husband of 30 years have "incompatible" charts, but they are obviously good together.
“Let's say you go through a breakup and the cards show [incompatible charts] but maybe that breakup is your wake-up to come together as a couple,” Reed says. “'Let's really work on this and really evolve the relationship.' You're gonna work through that cr*p. You're gonna make it work and you can.”
When it comes to love, whether on Valentine’s Day or any other day, it can be really confusing and a lot to figure out. And tarot is such “an amazing tool” to help guide you through it all, Reed shares. But it’s also not the end all, be all. Healthy relationships are still hard work, but you have to keep choosing your partner every day. And when you decide you want to make it work, you can create the best love story imaginable.
Next up, read on about which tarot card represents your zodiac sign!
Theresa Reed (she/her)—known as The Tarot Lady—is a tarot expert and author who has been reading tarot and astrology charts for over 40 years. She’s written several books about tarot, and her newest book is called The Cards You’re Dealt: How to Deal When Life Gets Real - A Tarot Guidebook.