The Biggest Health Myths of 2019 That Were Debunked
Every year we’re bombarded with different health-related trends that promise us the fountain of youth, and every year we’re disappointed with the results. From the benefits of sanitizing your hands to what really happens when you take probiotics, we’ve gathered the biggest health myths that were debunked by professionals (and the ones that actually work).
Probiotics are the subject of much debate. Probiotic supplements are often touted for their ability to create good bacteria within your digestive system. The debate is whether this successfully promotes gut health for everyone. According to researchers at the Weizmann Institute in Israel, the effects of probiotics can vary depending on your own body chemistry. Those interested in trying probiotics should select a specific supplement based on their ailments, such as stomach issues or anxiety.
Due to some recent reports, many people believe that using hand sanitizer is less effective in killing germs than simply just washing your hands. This common misconception plagues millions of americans and can cause some serious damage during cold and flu season—according to the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, work offices that carried hand sanitizer had 23.4% fewer health care claims than those who don't. Though washing with soap and water helps to dislodge bacteria, using alcohol-based hand sanitizers like Purell can lessen the chances of getting sick this season.
According to most claims about antiperspirants causing cancer are unproven. Although many people are concerned about the aluminum content and its affect on hormones, countless studies have found no correlation between cancer and antiperspirants currently on the market. Still worried? There are plenty of natural alternatives available, including crystal deodorants.
No matter how many times your mom reminded you to take your vitamins—be honest—you always forgot. Turns out, that's probably a good thing, because according to a recent study, taking vitamins might actually be harmful! Ingredients such as vitamin A, vitamin E and iron are associated with health risks in high doses, so taking multivitamins regularly might be overkill. It's a safer bet to get specific vitamins or minerals based on what your diet is lacking.
Virtually every parent steers clear of excess sugar when it comes to calming their little one down. But is this necessary? Studies have shown that the concept that sugar causes hyperactivity in children is largely a myth. Though some kids might be more sensitive to blood sugar spikes than others, sugar doesn't directly affect behavior or cognitive performance in children. The lesson? It's all about portion control, and sweets most likely don't need to be taken off the table completely.
Many have come to believe that apple cider vinegar is basically the elixir of life. They put it in about every type of food and even take shots of it. The truth is, it can boost digestion and manage your cholesterol and blood sugar, but it probably won't help you drop any pounds. Plus, too much of the stuff can erodes your teeth or give you heartburn.
According to the National Institute of Health, activated charcoal can be beneficial in serious medical cases such as overdoses—but that's pretty much the extent of it. An ongoing trend is using activated charcoal as a detoxifying agent for everything from your face to your digestive system. Unfortunately there's no scientific evidence to back that up, and the stuff can cause nausea, vomiting and constipation. Thanks to our kidneys and liver working as natural filters within our bodies, using charcoal in the form of pills, toothpaste and beyond is definitely unnecessary.
The Biggest Health Myths of 2019 That Were Debunked
Every year we’re bombarded with different health-related trends that promise us the fountain of youth, and every year we’re disappointed with the results. From the benefits of sanitizing your hands to what really happens when you take probiotics, we’ve gathered the biggest health myths that were debunked by professionals (and the ones that actually work).
Does activated charcoal actually work?
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