Books to Help You Achieve Greatness in the New Year

Leadership Books to Dominate Your Resolutions

The new year is always the time of year when we set resolutions or envision new goals for ourselves that we unfortunately don’t always follow through with. This year to help break the cycle, Built By Girls has selected five inspirational leadership books that will help create those new paths to personal and professional growth. Whether needing some help at work or simply focusing on yourself, leadership books are great keys to unlock highly effective habits that will help you foster the positive mindset needed to help you achieve your goals.

Leadership books for the New Year list
Leadership books for the New Year list

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success

Written by: Carol S. Dweck

World-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol S. Dweck explores the concept of mindset and its profound impact on achievement and personal development. In the book, Dweck introduces the idea of two primary mindsets: the fixed mindset - or people who believe their abilities and intelligence are static - and the growth mindset - those who see their qualities as things that can be developed through dedication and hard work. To illustrate how adopting a growth mindset can lead to greater success, resilience, and fulfillment, Dweck presents compelling evidence across various fields. She also expands the mindset concept beyond the individual, applying it to the cultures of groups and organizations. The book serves as a how-to guide for individuals and leaders who want to cultivate a mindset that fosters continuous learning in the face of challenges.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Written by: Stephen R. Covey

In this self-help book author Stephen R. Covey outlines a holistic approach to personal and professional effectiveness. Introducing seven habits that are categorized into three stages: Independence, Interdependence, and Continuous Improvement. Covey presents an approach to solving personal and professional problems that arise in everyday life with habits including being proactive, beginning with an end in mind and seeking first to understand then to be understood. Covey puts an emphasis on the importance of strong character traits like ethics and focusing on continuous personal improvement.

The Art of Quiet Influence: Timeless Wisdom for Leading without Authority

Written by: Jocelyn Davis

This classic leadership book from Jocelyn Davis explores the concept of leading with impact in the absence of formal authority. It draws on the timeless influence and wisdom of thought leaders such as Buddha, Confucius and Gandhi among many others, the book also includes real-world practical insights to help readers develop their own subtle but powerful leadership style. Organized around three core influence practices - Invite Participation, Share Power, and Aid Progress - Davis puts an emphasis on authenticity and empathy while highlighting the importance of collaboration and effective communication in order to be influential no matter what role you may have.

21 Most Powerful Minutes in a Leader’s Day

Written by: John C. Maxwell

John C. Maxwell is the author of numerous bestselling books based on leadership. Using insightful and practical teachings as well as the principles of effective communication he is able to cut to the core of what it means to lead. In each chapter, Maxwell offers a brief introduction to a new principle and then supplies relevant daily Old and New Testament readings. While the biblical approach will not be for everyone, his points are universal in nature. His insights oftentime blend timeless principles with the contemporary challenges faced by leaders today. Maxwell’s typical approach among all his leadership books centers on empowering individuals to reach for their fullest potential and become impactful leaders in all aspects of their lives.

Good & Great 

Written by: Jim Collins

This last one is slightly different from the others. Less focused on personal growth but this time looking at leadership and development through the lens of a corporation. For five years author Jim Collins and his research team studied a select group of companies that experienced sustained and exceptional growth with one question in mind, “how does a good company become a great one” and even more so - how come so many others can never make the jump. The result is a seminal business book that investigates the factors that elevate companies from merely good to truly great. Collins identifies key principles that distinguish these "great" companies, including Level 5 Leadership, a culture of discipline, and the Flywheel Effect - a business concept that states that companies don't become exceptional as a result of a single intervention or initiative, but rather from the accumulation of little wins that stack up over years of hard work. The book provides valuable insights and practical lessons emphasizing the importance of leadership, strategic focus, disciplined execution, and a commitment to long-term success.

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