Bride-to-be makes friends compete to 'secure a spot' in wedding party

A bride-to-be allegedly asked friends to battle it out to win a spot in her wedding party, based on completing a list of tasks in a competition she dubbed “the Bridal Party Brawl.” The bride’s sister wrote about the rivalry on Reddit: “My sister is getting engaged and is having her potential bridal party battle it out so she has one less thing to worry about before the engagement.”

She shared a screenshot of her sister’s text message, which asked seven friends to compete for four spots on the bridal team. It read: “Congrats! You’ve made it into the final round of the Bridal Party Brawl. Currently there are 7 players left and only 4 spots available.”

The future bride goes on to outline a series of requirements for the “lucky” few selected for the available spots of “bridesmaid 1,” “bridesmaid 2,” “bridesmaid 3,” and even “flower girl.” The requirements include hosting a couples-only wedding party in addition to providing a wedding gift of $500 in cash or check and a “day of” gift costing at least $100.

The bride asked seven friends to compete for four spots in her wedding party. (Photo: Getty Images/Reddit)
The bride asked seven friends to compete for four spots in her wedding party. (Photo: Getty Images/Reddit)

Unsurprisingly, Reddit users were not OK with the bride’s list of requests, advising the sister to back away from the competition. One person wrote, “What the actual f***? This is crazy. Lol. Don’t reply and be happy you don’t have to deal with the stress.”

Another suggested she develop a fake illness on the day of the wedding. “This … is this a joke? I’d have the flu that day.”

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