Bus driver hailed a hero for kicking off passengers who wouldn't move for a man in a wheelchair

Not all heroes wear capes.

A French bus driver wasn’t having it when his passengers refused to make room for a man in a wheelchair. Fran?ois Le Berre, who has multiple sclerosis, shared the story on Facebook last month, explaining how the unidentified driver defended him while he was trying to catch a bus in Paris.

The driver stood up and said, “Terminating! Everybody off,” according to the Evening Standard’s translation. He then told Le Berre that he could ride the bus, but everyone else had to wait for the next one.

Arrêt de bus 16h16Hier en attendant le bus à Paris, j'ai rigolé; car personne ne voulait se pousser. Comme personne ne…

Posted by Fran?ois Le Berre on Friday, October 19, 2018

People commented on his Facebook post, praising the bus driver and pointing out that taking such a vocal stand in support of a differently-abled person is “rare.”

“Great driver he deserves a medalist Mr. Macron,” one commenter wrote, addressing French President Emmanuel Macron.

“Congrats to this driver an example to follow by his colleagues,” another wrote.

The group Accessible Pour Tous (which translates in English to “Accessibility For All”) shared Le Berre’s story on Twitter, which garnered even more praise for the driver.

However, one person commented that kicking everyone off is “not prudent,” asserting that the driver should be fired. The Paris public transit agency shot back in a tweet:

“Bonjour Frédéric. I understand your concern, however, an agent does not get fired when he acts in favor of travelers. Nice day.”

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