Thousands of people visit the High Line—that elevated park along Manhattan’s West Side—on any given day. But on September 17, it was a special group perched on the Spur, a recently opened section of the park, for the High Line’s annual Art Dinner.
The evening honored High Line boosters Shelley Fox Aarons, Fairfax Dorn, Andy and Christine Hall, Hermine Riegerl Heller, Tom Hill, Dorothy Lichtenstein, Donald R. Mullen, Jr., and Mario J. Palumbo, Jr. and recognized Simone Leigh, the artist whose work “Brick House” is on exhibition along the stretch.
And while plenty of visitors bring picnic dinners to the park, this evening—chaired by Hermine Riegerl Heller and David B. Heller, Amanda and Don Mullen, Jon Stryker and Slobodan Randjelovicě—included the first seated dinner to be held on the Spur and drew a starry collection of guests including Thelma Golden, Max Hollein, Jeremy O. Harris, Amanda Burden, and more.