Your Cancer Monthly Horoscope for February

Add these dates to your GCal:
February 11: New Moon in Aquarius
February 17: Saturn square Uranus
February 18: Pisces season begins
February 20: Mercury Retrograde ends
February 27: Full Moon in Virgo
Welcome to February, Cancer love! No doubt you’ve been feeling all the feels, and this moth, this spiritual work comes to a head on February 11, when the New Moon joins the Sun in Aquarius. This night sky activates the area of your chart connected to intense emotional feels, so take a restorative bath, write in a journal, or simply turn off your alarm so you can catch up much-needed rest. Your sensitivities will be dialed up, so don’t shy away from this emotional experience. You may be tempted to reconnect with people from your past, but resist the urge to text your ex, Cancer love: Mercury will still be retrograde during this lunation and—trust me—you don’t want to deal with the headache!
Next, on February 17, Saturn in Aquarius forms a powerful alignment (known as a “square”) with Uranus in Taurus. These two planets haven’t squared off since 2000, so this union is long overdue! This alignment activates the areas of your chart associated with memories and friendship, so you may feel inspired to explore an old relationship. Check in with your oldest pals—perhaps even schedule a Zoom to check in and see what’s going on in their world. If anything, this Saturn-Uranus square will help you see how much you’ve grown and matured. Another thing to keep in mind, darling Cancer, is that this is the first of a three-part series: The planets will also connect on June 14 and December 24. Even if you don’t have the story closed by mid-month, you can trust that a much greater narrative is just beginning to unfold.
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On February 18, Pisces season begins with the Sun cruising into this like-minded water sign. Although your sign is frequently associated with safety and protection, Pisces season invites you to tap into your adventurous, playful, and—perhaps most importantly—innovative side. Go ahead and take a few risks, Cancer love! And to sweeten the deal, Mercury finally concludes its retrograde on February 20, making it much easier for you to communicate! For the next few weeks, trust that stepping outside your comfort zone will actually suit you quite well. It’s okay to let your guard down and have a little fun!
Finally, the month concludes with a powerful Full Moon in Virgo on February 27. After exercising some out-of-character bravery that’s shaking your status quo in pretty substantial ways, this lunation will remind you that you don’t always need to do things alone. In fact, you have a beautiful community that actually wants to support your growth. Beneath this Moon’s vivid radiance, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Believe it or not, Cancer love, your friends are there to help you—so whether you need some feedback on a creative project or advice on a tricky romantic situation, this Full Moon offers a terrific opportunity to ask for help. I know it’s not easy for you, Cancer…but that’s what makes it meaningful!
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