Your Cancer Monthly Horoscope for November

Add these dates to your GCal:
November 3: Mercury Direct
November 13: Mars Direct
November 15: New Moon in Scorpio
November 21: Sun enters Sagittarius
November 30: Lunar Eclipse in Gemini
Whether you’re living by the poetic stars or your practical schedule, November is a big month. You’re having a hard time making sense of everything but—fortunately—some positive planetary shuffles will help you navigate this energetic traffic jam. On November 3 (yes, Election Day), Mercury finally ends its annoying retrograde cycle. Then, ten days later, Mars (the planet of momentum) also goes direct. Let’s be honest: These past few months have been defined by slow downs, false starts, and tons of miscommunication. Things haven’t been going your way. But thankfully, by mid-month, you’ll feel the pressure ease up as these planets return to normal functionality. Phew! That’s a relief!
This shift in energy will also improve your romantic life, as well. Yes, you read that right: By the second half of November, love will be falling directly into your lap! Don’t fight it—you earned it! The New Moon in Scorpio on November 15 is infused with a creative, passionate energy, so lean into this divine lunation. Whether you’re buying painting supplies or sexy underwear to wear on your next Zoom date (it is still 2020, after all), this is an excellent time to sprinkle a little fun into your life. Enjoy it!
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on November 21, kicking off a new astrological season fueled by impulsivity, adventure, and discovery. But interestingly, Sagittarius energy sparks a different sort of energy for you, Cancer love. For the next few weeks, you’ll need to take a good, hard look at your daily routines. What’s working? Where can things be adjusted? How can you calibrate your calendar to accommodate your truth?
These questions will be at the forefront of your thoughts on November 30, when a lunar eclipse in Gemini offers a powerful shift in perspective. This is the second installment of a six-part series that will continue through November 2021—so consider how your life has evolved since the first eclipse in June. How has your relationship with wellness (both physical and emotional) evolved? Which areas of life can use a bit more fine-tuning? By the end of the month, focus on establishing healthy systems that support your health on both an external and internal level. Self-care is more than just a trendy hashtag. It’s actually a spiritual ideology. Don’t be afraid to explore what this means for you, Cancer love.
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