Candice Brathwaite: ‘Nobody will be calling me a 'mummy blogger' after this’
Imagine a mummy blogger, and who do you see? Someone in a playroom full of wooden toys? Someone in a Breton top, hair pulled artfully into a messy ‘mum bun’? Someone… white? Then meet Candice Brathwaite.
Anyone who’s ventured to her corner of the internet over the past two years will already be familiar with her heartfelt, honest and often hilarious take on life as a black mother in Britain today – all delivered with a joyful dose of high fashion. Now, thanks to her widely acclaimed debut book I Am Not Your Baby Mother, she’s set to reach a whole new audience.
‘If people still want to call me a mummy blogger after reading my book then I won’t be offended, but I highly doubt that they will,’ Candice, 32, says, before breaking into a great burst of self-deprecating laughter. Due to the lockdown, she’s speaking on the phone from her home in Milton Keynes, where she lives with her partner Bodé and children Esmé-Olivia, six, and RJ, two. ‘I see it on all these lists of top motherhood books and chuckle to myself – they’re in for a shock when they open it up!’
And it’s easy to see why. This is no cutesy ‘mumoir’ of one woman finding completion in motherhood. This is a book that veers effortlessly from Bugaboos and baby names to knife crime, slavery and sexual assault. ‘There was so much I was tempted to keep out of the book – my mum’s overdose, my postnatal depression, my abortion… As I was writing, I’d start typing then step away from the computer and think, “Do you really want to go there?” But I don’t want my kids to read it and not know the truth. It isn’t always cute, or pretty, or sellable, but I’m a massive believer that truth always wins in the end. So I ended up just laying it all out.’
Candice, who describes herself as a ‘content creator’, is a breath of fresh air in the world of ‘mumfluencers’ – an arena widely criticised for being overly white, sanitised and middle class. It was after the birth of her daughter Esmé in 2014 that Candice realised that families like hers – young, black and thriving – were simply not being represented in the media. So she did something about it, setting up a daily five-minute show called Teatime on Instagram Stories; and later founding Make Motherhood Diverse, a platform to amplify the voices of ‘the black mums, the brown mums, the differently-abled mums’.
At the time, Candice lived in a rented house in Croydon, south London, and worked in marketing for Penguin, having won a competition to get the job.
‘The bulk of my day was spent calling up bloggers and asking them how much they charged to profile a book on their blog. The rates they were telling me were unreal. I thought, I am in the wrong gig! So every day, I did my job but I made little notes and thought to myself, there has to be a way to cross over.’
In 2015, Candice threw caution to the wind and quit her job to embark on a career in social media, much to the horror of her partner, who worked in sales. ‘It caused grave tension for about two years,’ she recalls. ‘I made no money, I had no platform. Nobody cared what I had to say! But in my gut, I knew I had to stay on that path.’
It proved to be a life-changing decision. Candice’s natural charisma and immediate likeability radiated from the squares of her Instagram grid. As her profile and followers grew, the opportunities flooded in: sponsorship deals with brands such as WW and Google, invitations to speak on panels about parenting and diversity, and most recently, being booked to front an ad campaign for Sainsbury’s clothing brand Tu.
‘I never use the word “influencer” to describe myself, because it’s now got such a bad name. Of course there are the “bad apples”, but the majority of us mummy bloggers are just mums who saw an opportunity to make money while working at home.’
The ‘bad apple’ in question is Clemmie Hooper, former queen bee of the mummy-blogging world, who fell from grace at the end of last year when it came to light that she’d anonymously criticised several fellow bloggers on a notorious gossip forum. Hooper accused Candice of being ‘aggressive’ and using race and class as ‘a weapon to silence people’s opinions’. The racism accusations and brouhaha that followed led to Hooper leaving Instagram and her 660,000 followers for good.
‘There has never been an apology,’ says Candice. ‘I want to make it clear that I don’t wish Clemmie Hooper ill but the things she wrote about me… I’m not sitting here thinking I’ve got to get back at her. I felt and still feel really sorry for her. I want people to understand that she’s got kids – girls old enough to be bullied at school for what happened. So in that regard, I don’t want to add fuel to the fire; but what I hope I made clear is that this is unacceptable behaviour.’
While many influencers shy away from serious issues lest they scare off potential clients and lucrative contracts, Candice is evangelical about speaking her mind, whether that’s tackling white privilege, or mental illness within the black community. ‘I understand that a lot of what I’m talking about could potentially make me a pariah in my own community, but I want my daughter and son to see I led a life of integrity.’
That drive to be seen, heard and listened to influences Candice’s approach to fashion, too. ‘Fashion is fun but for me there’s a purpose to it,’ she says. ‘Dressing the way I do is a mark of me not “playing small”. I know historically that society has been taught to ignore black women so it’s me saying, “Come on, ignore me in this orange pantsuit. I dare you!” My grandad always said if you don’t have a pound in your pocket, nobody should be able to tell by looking at you. I’ve carried that my whole life. Dressing up sets the pace for how I expect my life to be.’
And life today certainly does look very different from where she started out. Fear of gangs and knife crime led the family to swap Croydon for a detached house in a leafy part of Milton Keynes, and her daughter is at a nearby private school. ‘When you live in London, you’re tricked into thinking the bloodshed is normal but it’s not,’ she says.
Candice says she’s incredibly proud of the book she’s about to send out into the world, but she’s nervous, too. ‘This is the first book I know of written about black motherhood by a black mum ever. That is so scary!’ she exclaims. ‘But it’s also mad – it’s 2020! It shouldn’t have taken this long.’
I Am Not Your Baby Mother by Candice Brathwaite is out on 28 May (Quercus, £16.99)
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