Your Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for April

Add these dates to your GCal:
Sunday, April 11: New Moon in Aries
Wednesday, April 14: Venus enters Taurus
Monday, April 19: Mercury enters Taurus
Monday, April 19: Sun enters Taurus
Monday, April 26: Full Moon in Scorpio
It’s a new month, Capricorn babe and—(no) thanks to the extra sunshine—you’re starting to see your dwelling in a whole new light. It’s dusty AF! We’ve all been spending a lot more time at home, which means you’ve started to get a little…desensitized to your environment. In fact, you may not have even realized that your laundry chair (you know the one I’m talking about) has turned into a massive mound of Everest proportions. But fear not—your sign is associated with the mighty mountain goat, and you’re no stranger to scaling impossible hurdles. Long story short, Capricorn, it’s time to invest in your nest!
When the Sun and Moon unify on April 11, forming a dynamic New Moon in Aries, you’ll be presented with the perfect opportunity to grab your favorite cleaning supplies and tidy up your space. You may even consider adding some new curtains or a fresh coat of paint—something exciting to herald in change! I know you’re a creature of habit, Capricorn, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t revamp your environment every now and then. So, if you’ve been waiting for an upgrade, try directing some of that entrepreneurial energy towards your domain. You’ll be glad you did!
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The month gets extra fabulous starting on April 14, when Venus—the planet of values—cruises into Taurus, a like-minded earth sign. Taurus energy illuminates the area of your chart associated with passion and pleasure, so the vibes are immaculate when Mercury (the planet of communication) and the Sun (the celestial body reflecting self and identity) join the party on April 19.
The Sun’s entry into Taurus kicks off a brand new astrological season and, finally, you’ll begin to dial-up your day-to-day with a well-deserved dose of vitality! You’ll be feeling confident, creative, and incredibly inspired for the next few weeks, so don’t be afraid to indulge this dynamic sensibility. Whether you’re exploring new forms of expression through music or performance, or pursuing your crush full-steam ahead, you’ll be moved by a magical magnetism that’s connected directly to your heart. So go ahead and tap into your truth, Capricorn darling: Don’t deny your soul what it wants!
That dynamic authenticity will continue to illuminate as the sky is electrified by a powerful Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26. Under this bewitching lunation, you may discover that there are some monumental people in your extended network—people who actually have the ability to help you advance your career and reach even higher levels of success. Of course, you can’t ask for too many favors, but by the end of the month, you may want to strategize on how to best leverage these connections. You have big goals, Capricorn, which means you’re going to need to think outside-the-box in order to get where you want to go. When in doubt, lead with humility: Gracious appreciation goes a long way!
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