Your Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for January

Add these dates to your GCal:
Sunday, January 2: New Moon in Capricorn
Friday, January 14: Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius
Monday, January 17: Full Moon in Cancer
Tuesday, January 18: Uranus in Taurus Direct
Wednesday, January 19: North/South Nodes move into Taurus and Scorpio
Wednesday, January 19: Aquarius season begins
My beautiful goats, welcome to 2022! We start the year off in *your* season, when the Moon and Sun will both energize your sign. The New Moon in Capricorn (aka the Moon and Sun making a connection) is on January 2, highlighting your persona, identity, and who you are. This is an empowering moment for you to reclaim your time in relationships and your value. Venus (the planet ruling these things) Retrograde will be heavily influencing this New Moon. It’s time to evaluate what’s important to you, Cap.
On January 14, Mercury will turn retrograde in Aquarius, slowing everything down in a major way. This will highlight your finances, earned income, and that cash money, honey! Renegotiating your income or reevaluating that side hustle can all be a theme for you mountain goats. Remember this is a time to revise and not initiate anything new. Instead, clean up your books and start the New Year with a fresh financial perspective.
There is a Full Moon in Cancer on January 17, bringing change to your love life. A Full Moon occurs when the Moon forms a direct opposition with the Sun, giving off that bold, bright, round effect. Essentially, this is placing importance on your needs in relationships versus the needs of the other person. Are you practicing caring for yourself, or placing a love interest on a pedestal? Time to reevaluate and make change for the better, my dear Capricorn.
The next day, the most erratic planet, Uranus, will move direct in the sign of Taurus on January 18. If there have been some delays with an important creative project, you can start to experience major breakthroughs. Not only that, this lights up your chart's area of romance, so expect some surprises in that department, too! A hot romance can turn extra streamy, if you know what I mean. The North and South Nodes of the Noon will also move into both Taurus and Scorpio on January 19. This essentially will push your main focus towards this part of life for the next 18 months.
As the month comes to a close, the Sun moves into the sign of Aquarius on January 19, highlighting your 2nd house of money. While you will already be focused on your financial world as the month begins, you will be hyper-aware of it during Aquarius season. It’s time to do something different or begin an innovative way to make money. Can you say side hustle or solo-preneur? You also could decide to check out something like crypto, or look into unique ways of keeping your cash flow. While everyone loves a buzzword, this definitely will be a time to think things through carefully. Think outside of the box, my Capricorn queen!
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