Your Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for March

Add These Dates to Your GCal:
March 2: New Moon in Pisces
March 5: Venus and Mars enter Aquarius
March 18: Full Moon in Virgo
March 20: Sun enters Aries / Spring Equinox
March 31: New Moon in Aries
Can you believe it’s March already, Capricorn? Pisces season can feel like a busy time—you're jumping from appointment to appointment. Remember that communication is your secret weapon, and be prepared for conversations with siblings or extended family to arise. The month starts off with some intensity (that’s putting it lightly) on March 3 when Venus, Mars, and Pluto all meet up in your sign. This trio can dig up buried secrets from your past, and while of course that doesn’t sound fun, it can be incredibly healing. The more you surrender and sit with discomfort, the closer you come to leaving these issues behind once and for all.
Don’t worry—the mood shifts and money is on your mind (duh) on March 6, when Venus and Mars meet in Aquarius. This conjunction delivers a new cycle for your finances. What could be better? You have the creative drive and spirit to chase after all of your financial dreams, and this magnetic energy promises results if you stay committed to your goals. You might feel a little misunderstood on March 13 when the Sun and Neptune meet with one another. Miscommunication can abound, so be mindful before you jump to conclusions. Do your best to be articulate, but don’t beat yourself up if there are some snafus along the way.
The Full Moon in Virgo on March 18 arrives with a dose of risk-taking and adventure. You'll experience a stark perspective shift and a calling to travel or try something new. Don’t limit yourself! Give into any whims that come your way. This day could signal the completion of a big project, especially if you're in school. On March 20, the Sun enters Aries and your focus shifts inward. The area of your chart that rules family, home, and your psychological foundation is activated. This is a more private time where you’re reflecting deeper on the difference between your public and private life. Family matters, home renovations, or moving can all become a major focus during the next 30 days.
An unexpected bill or expense may show up on March 22 when Mars in Aquarius forms a tense angle with Uranus in Taurus. That’s the last thing you want to hear, I know, but it’s important to be prepared. The easier you can let go of your cash, the healthier a relationship you will develop with your finances. You're practical enough to always have a contingency plan when it comes to your bills.
News or information related to your home or family arrives on March 27 when Mercury, the planet of the mind, enters Aries. Your mental energy will be focused on your internal world, which can be an uncomfortable shift for a workaholic like you. Remember, you are deserving of the time and space to sort through anything that comes up during this time. The month ends on March 31 with a vibrant New Moon in Aries bringing a fresh start for your family or your living arrangement.
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