Captain Marvel's New Trailer Just Shot Down a Popular Fan Theory

A new trailer for Captain Marvel is teasing the superhero's binary powers and shooting down a popular fan theory.
The minute-and-a-half long promo sees Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) briefly meet with Agent Fury (Samuel L Jackson) before telling him Skrulls are invading Earth.
She then goes on to seemingly shoot down the popular fan theory that Captain Marvel is a Skrull by implicitly telling Fury that she isn't-and that her photon blast proves it (but, of course, she may well be lying...).
The trailer also sees Carol/Captain Marvel train with Walter Lawson/Mar-Vell (Jude Law) before she exhibits new skills that appear to be the emergence of her binary powers, as seen in the most recent Captain Marvel comic books.
"I have this power, but I don't know where it came from," she says.
Speaking later in the clip, Agent Fury then remarks: "I've never seen anything like her."
The trailer also welcomes Agents of SHIELD's Agent Coulson (Clark Gregg) back into the MCU movie fold.
But, just how significant are Captain Marvel's new powers exactly?
In short, pretty significant.
Larson previously revealed her belief that Captain Marvel could "definitely" lift Thor's hammer, Mjolnir-which may also put pay to that Skrull theory. Could a Skrull do that? We think not.
In other news, there are also some cool new Captain Marvel posters around and you can check them out below:
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