Cardio Workouts That Aren't Just Running
For some guys, there's nothing better than a good long run. Jogging for hours can give you a chance to clear your head, get out of the house, and burn through calories — all great perks you won't get from sitting on the coach.
You know you can get all this from a run — but that doesn't mean you like running. For plenty of people, running is an exercise in monotony, even if it can burn serious calories. At a 10-minute-per-mile pace — roughly the average guy’s marathon pace — you’ll fry about 10 calories a minute, which isn't too shabby.
But running isn't the only way to fry calories, a blessing for anyone who doesn't like the slog of a mile. Plenty of other workouts can torch calories at a lightning-fast rate, too. “In general, you burn more calories by doing high-intensity weight training than you do running,” says Harold Gibbons, a trainer at Mark Fisher Fitness in New York City, and the New York State Director of the National Strength and Conditioning Association.
Not everyone realizes, this, though, which is why so many people assume that miles upon miles of running is the only effective way to fry fat. But once you know the truth, you can begin to adjust. And heck, even if you like running, you can begin to diversify your training, mixing up workouts to improve results in other places. Why sweat through a run every day when you can improve your agility and coordination in different ways with, say, boxing?
Or when you can build muscle while burning those calories, too? When researchers at the University of Southern Maine used an advanced method to estimate energy expenditure during exercise, they found that weight training burns up to 71 percent more calories than originally thought. Which suggests that a fast-paced circuit workout burns as many calories as running at a 6-minute per mile pace.
The bottom line: There are far more options in the cardio universe than mere running. Not sure what to do? Check out these 20 options.
Yes, it seems like running. No, it's not exactly running. A sprint, in its truest form, is very different from a traditional distance run. When you run, say, 3 miles, you're aiming to conserve energy as much as possible, keeping your arms steady and running in very upright fashion.
A sprint? Now, instead of bouncing lightly off the ground, you're attacking the ground to create speed. You start with your chest forward, aggressively swing your arms, and slam into the ground with every footstep. It's an explosive, powerful act, and yes, it can blast fat.
The key to sprinting is realizing that a true sprint can't last long; at most, you'll get 200 meters if you're really going hard. But battle through 10 100-meter sprints with, say, a minute between each, and you're workout's over in around 15 minutes, but you've still destroyed plenty of unwanted calories.
Several brands make solid Ski-Ergs, but your best starting point is this model from Concept2.
Get your cardio in by hitting the great outdoors on a bike. Spending a few hours biking along trails will do more than rev up your metabolism. It'll challenge your balance and athleticism as you react to varied terrain.
It's a perfect way to get outside, too, giving your body a much-needed dose of fresh air.
You'll be drenched after this workout, but it may not be sweat. If you need a nasty workout for your lungs (and more of your back than you may think), then hit the pool for some laps. You can either do interval work in the pool, swimming for, say, 100 meters, then resting for a minute and repeating 10 times, or you can just swim a steady distance (think 2,000 meters).
Either way, it's a solid workout, and it's low-impact to boot, sparing your joints and tendons from the wear-and-tear that comes with many other workouts.
Sometimes, the best way to get your cardio is by going up. Indoor rock climbing is a unique way to get your sweat on, requiring as much strength as it does agility. You're constantly moving and straining here, much like running.
But unlike running, your upper body doesn't get even the slightest bit of rest. Your hands (and forearm and grip muscles) get taxed to the max while grasping tiny handholds, and your back must constantly pull your torso toward the wall. It's a vicious blend that's growing increasingly popular. Need somewhere to start with it? If you're in the New York City area, check out Chelsea Piers.
You don't have to get in the ring against an opponent to knock out calories with boxing-style workouts. Hit a heavy bag, work with a partner, or just perform punch combos on air to smash through calories — up to 800 per hour, if a study from supplement maker Forza's claims are correct. Check out these boxing workouts to get punching.
Shadowboxing is fun, but if you really want to blow off some steam while you're torching calories, take your stress out on a bag. For that, these Muay Thai (Thai boxing) gloves will keep your knuckles in prime condition.
Yeah, yeah, it's technically running. But this kind of running offers more bang for your buck. Run up the steps at a stadium one step at a time, and you'll hone footwork, improving your athleticism. Bound up two stairs at a time, and you get to drive your knees high with every stride, something that'll make you faster when you hit flat ground for a more "traditional" run.
You'll build plenty of endurance running stairs, too, and a pair of rock-solid calves if you do it right. Work hard to stay on your toes as you run. A bonus: It's a perfect indoor hotel workout if you can find a stairwell.
You'll burn a ton of calories with the short bursts of speed, balance, and coordination it takes to finish a full agility ladder circuit—especially if you run through the drills continuously with limited rest.
But your brain might get the best benefit from this type of cardio exercise. A 2014 study from the Air Force Research Laboratory showed that agility training can improve cognitive performance along with boosting cardio levels. Instead of just plodding mindlessly along on a run, agility drills help you hone your VO2 max, athletic footwork, memory, and concentration.
If you don't have an agility ladder at your local gym or you just want one of your own, we like this one from SKLZ.
Ready to start swinging that kettlebell? Start with this 26-pounder from Onnit to learn the motion, then gradually work your way to bigger bells.
Row your own boat to decimate calories and pick up this machine for the home gym.
If you have a few hours, hit a trail and go for a hike. You won't move as fast as you might if you were running, but you'll still burn plenty of calories. Even better, you'll be training your ankles, knees and hips to be resilient as they move across diverse, unpredictable terrain. You'll also hone your balance and coordination more than you think.
Flowing is a relatively new brand of fitness that has you chaining together a sequence of exercises, doing one move, then seamlessly shifting to the next and then the next after that. Imagine doing a kettlebell swing, followed by a clean, followed by a snatch, followed by a squat-to-press. It's like dancing with weights, and it draws from more venerable disciplines like yoga, gymnastics, martial arts, and breakdancing to do more than mere rep after rep of an exercise.
It's also incredibly demanding on both your cardiovascular system and your strength, challenging you to move quickly and athletically while handling a weight (although it can be done with bodyweight as well). The result: You wind up breaking a fierce sweat as you build strength and athleticism.
Flows do require more fitness experience than many kinds of cardio, because you'll want to flow only with exercise moves that you're comfortable with. But once you master enough exercises and get comfortable with several flows, you'll find yourself getting a total-body burn and burning serious calories all at once.
Cardio Workouts That Aren't Just Running
For some guys, there's nothing better than a good long run. Jogging for hours can give you a chance to clear your head, get out of the house, and burn through calories — all great perks you won't get from sitting on the coach.
You know you can get all this from a run — but that doesn't mean you like running. For plenty of people, running is an exercise in monotony, even if it can burn serious calories. At a 10-minute-per-mile pace — roughly the average guy’s marathon pace — you’ll fry about 10 calories a minute, which isn't too shabby.
But running isn't the only way to fry calories, a blessing for anyone who doesn't like the slog of a mile. Plenty of other workouts can torch calories at a lightning-fast rate, too. “In general, you burn more calories by doing high-intensity weight training than you do running,” says Harold Gibbons, a trainer at Mark Fisher Fitness in New York City, and the New York State Director of the National Strength and Conditioning Association.
Not everyone realizes, this, though, which is why so many people assume that miles upon miles of running is the only effective way to fry fat. But once you know the truth, you can begin to adjust. And heck, even if you like running, you can begin to diversify your training, mixing up workouts to improve results in other places. Why sweat through a run every day when you can improve your agility and coordination in different ways with, say, boxing?
Or when you can build muscle while burning those calories, too? When researchers at the University of Southern Maine used an advanced method to estimate energy expenditure during exercise, they found that weight training burns up to 71 percent more calories than originally thought. Which suggests that a fast-paced circuit workout burns as many calories as running at a 6-minute per mile pace.
The bottom line: There are far more options in the cardio universe than mere running. Not sure what to do? Check out these 20 options.
Ditch your stale jogging routine. These workouts can help you burn fat without being boring.
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