The Best Orchid Care to Keep These Beautiful Plants Thriving
These beautiful blooms require special care. But once you know the basics, you can keep your orchids thriving with confidence.
Reviewed by Joseph TychonievichReviewed by Joseph Tychonievich
Orchids have a reputation for being tough-to-grow houseplants. Sure, they may require specialized potting mix and a precise amount of water to thrive, but this large, diverse group of plants includes many species that are easy to grow indoors. And in return for your attentive orchid care, they'll reward you with their elegant-looking flowers for years to come.
To help you gain confidence in orchid care, we rounded up some of our best tips for keeping them happy and healthy, including how to water orchids, fertilize them, and what potting mix gets you the best results.
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How to Water Orchids
Phoebe Cheong / BHG
The most common cause of death for orchids (and most houseplants) is overwatering. Instead of watering your plants on a strict schedule (every other day or once a week, for example), pay attention to your orchid's needs and how much water it uses, which can vary based on the humidity, light, air movement, and potting mix its roots are growing in.
The easy answer for when to water most orchids (including Phalaenopsis and Cattleya) is just before they go dry. It could be every few days or even every couple of weeks, depending on the orchid species and the environment in your home. The potting medium you use also affects how often you need to water your orchid; bark dries out quickly, while moss soaks up water and holds onto it for a long time.
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It's time to add more water when the potting medium feels dry (you can test it simply by sticking your finger about an inch into the pot). As you spend time on orchid care, you'll grow to understand how often your orchid usually needs water. Plus, you can figure out how light the pot feels when the bark or moss is dry, which is another handy way to tell if your orchid (or any potted plant) needs a drink.
Watering is as simple as pouring water into the potting mix and letting any excess drain through the bottom. Just make sure you pot your orchid in a container that has a drainage hole. It's a lot more difficult to water plants in containers without drainage because the water can collect at the bottom, so if your pot doesn't have a hole (or a few), consider repotting or drilling one yourself.
Test Garden Tip
Sometimes you can find clear plastic pots for sale. When moss and bark are moist, you'll see the condensation on the inside of the pot. When it's dry, you won't, and you'll know it's time to water.
How to Choose Orchid Potting Mix
Phoebe Cheong / BHG
Potting mix plays a huge role in orchid care and how often you need to water orchids. Usually, orchids are potted in either sphagnum moss or bark chips, which both work but need slightly different care. Bark doesn't hold much water and drains quickly, which makes it a good choice for orchids like Phalaenopsis and Cattleya that need to dry out between waterings.
Lady's slipper and nun's orchid like it damper and will do better if you don't let them dry out. Moss acts like a sponge, soaking up water and taking longer to dry out. Because it hangs on to moisture for a while, you can wait longer between waterings, but moss is also less forgiving if you overwater your orchid. Moss is a good choice for these species because it supplies them with moisture for longer. You can also grow these water-loving orchids in fine-textured bark, but bark still won't hang on to moisture as long as moss, so you'll have to water them more frequently.
Your potting material will eventually start to decompose, especially bark. Regular orchid care should include repotting your orchids in new bark every year or two because it won't drain as quickly as it decomposes. Remove the orchid from the old bark (which you can toss on your compost pile), and clip off the dead roots. You should be able to spot any dead roots right away—they'll be dark and shriveled compared to the firm, light-colored, healthy roots. Place the orchid back in the pot (or repot) and refill it with new bark.
How to Fertilize Orchids
Phoebe Cheong / BHG
The American Orchid Society recommends regularly feeding your plants with a balanced fertilizer with little to no urea. Another recommendation is to fertilize with a quarter-strength of water-soluble fertilizer each time you water your plant. That means use just ? of the amount that the label recommends and mix it with water. You can give this mixture during weekly orchid care (though it's better to under-fertilize than over-fertilize). Also, make sure the potting mix is a little damp before fertilizing because it can burn the roots if they're completely dry.
Related: How to Correctly Fertilize All Your Plants
Phoebe Cheong / BHG
How Much Light Do Orchids Need?
From a plant's perspective, houses usually have dim light, so you'll usually have better luck with orchid varieties that tolerate low light levels. East-facing windowsills are great spots for orchids. An unscreened south-facing window can be too bright and hot, but a sheer curtain can add just the right amount of filtering. You can also set the orchid away from the window by a few feet so it's not constantly in strong, indirect light.
West-facing windows are usually too hot for ideal orchid care, but you can sometimes make them work with some filtering (again, a sheer curtain is your friend). We wouldn't recommend trying a north-facing window because they're usually too dim for orchids to thrive.
Good orchid care doesn't mean your plant should be glued to the same spot. There's no harm in moving if you want to use a blooming orchid as a table centerpiece or display it somewhere other than a windowsill. Just take it back to its spot by the window once it's done blooming.
Related: What is Indirect Light for Plants in Your Home?
Orchids and Humidity
Phoebe Cheong / BHG
Most orchids are tropical plants, but that doesn't mean they need rainforest humidity to grow in your home. However, the dry atmosphere of an air-conditioned home can be challenging. A daily mist or setting your plants on a moist bed of gravel can help create the humidity needed for the best orchid care. If you use gravel, make sure the pot is on top of the rocks, not nestled in them. Otherwise, moisture can seep into the pot and drown the roots over time.
Orchid care might be different than what other plants need, but if you can master the basics, they can be easy-care houseplants, too. Since they're unique, you can display them in fun ways, like creating hanging planters to show off their eye-catching blooms. If this is your first time growing an orchid, stick to something simple, like a moth orchid, before working up to more high-maintenance varieties.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are my buds yellow and dropping off?
This is called bud blast, and can be due to dry conditions, temperature swings (the air conditioner going on and off, for example), or ethylene or methane fumes, which can trigger orchids to collapse.
What are the signs of a healthy orchid?
If your orchid's leaves are thick and rubbery with a uniformly green color and the blooms are robust and colorful, your orchid is thriving.
How long will my orchid flowers last?
Cattleya flowers may last up to a month from the time the bud blooms. Phalaenopsis and Cymbidium can stay in bloom for up to four months.
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