How to Choose a Natural Sunscreen

Medically reviewed by Mary Choy, PharmDMedically reviewed by Mary Choy, PharmD

Sunscreen is a must in your skincare routine, and not just to prevent sunburn. Regular sunscreen use will help stave off skin cancer, premature aging, dark spots, and uneven skin tone.

You have more choices now than ever, especially in natural sunscreen. "Natural" sunscreens are those that are mineral-based and non-toxic. But all those choices can be incredibly overwhelming. We're breaking it all down for you to help you make the right sunscreen choice for you and your family.

In this article, learn the difference between chemical sunscreen and natural (sometimes called "mineral" or "physical") sunscreen, examples of natural sunscreens, tips for choosing a natural sunscreen, and risks of making your own sunscreen.

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boophotography / iStock

Why Choose a Natural Sunscreen?

Everyone who chooses to go with a natural sunscreen does so for their own reasons, but here are some of the most popular:

  • Reduced exposure to synthetic chemicals. Most people choose natural sunscreens because they're looking to reduce the amount of chemicals they're exposed to on a daily basis. Studies raise the question of whether chemical sunscreens' ingredients might be disrupting hormone levels. One common ingredient, oxybenzone, has been shown to disrupt reproduction in fish. Other active ingredients in chemical sunscreens have been linked to possible hormone disruption. However, none of the studies in humans are conclusive.

  • Reduction in negative impacts on the environment. There is evidence that chemical-based sunscreens are polluting the environment. Some locations near coral reefs require tourists and locals to use biodegradable sunscreens that do not damage fragile ecosystems.

  • Synthetic sunscreen may irritate your skin. If you have particularly sensitive skin, eczema, or psoriasis or are easily irritated by chemical sunscreens, natural sunscreen may be a great option for you. The active ingredients in natural sunscreens are less likely to cause skin irritation than those in chemical sunscreens.


The beauty industry and science use the term "chemical" very differently. The scientific fact is that everything is made of chemicals: water, trees, you, and me. When we're talking about beauty products, the term chemical refers to anything man-made or non-natural. So, for our purposes, we'll use chemical and the more apt term synthetic synonymously.

What Makes a Sunscreen Natural?

In the U.S., titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are the only natural sunscreen ingredients approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA).

If these minerals make up the active ingredients in your sunscreen, it's considered "natural" in beauty marketing terms. If it contains synthetic active ingredients like oxybenzone, octinoxate, or avobenzone, it's considered a synthetic (sometimes called chemical) sunscreen.


Don't let the term "natural" lead you to believe you're getting a 100% natural product. You're most likely not. The term "natural" in sunscreen only refers to the active ingredients. The rest of the ingredients in natural sunscreen can be completely synthetic.

Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are minerals naturally found in the earth. They are processed and refined for use in sunscreen. These minerals are also used in other products, such as diaper rash creams.

Titanium dioxide is widely used in the skincare industry. It's used in mineral makeup and foundations, soaps, lotions, and toothpaste. It is also a coloring agent in some foods, such as candies and chewing gum.

Differences Between Organic and Natural Sunscreen

"Organic" is a marketing term, at least in the beauty industry, and has nothing to do with the active ingredients in your sunscreen. The organic label on sunscreen usually means it has some type of botanical ingredient (green tea extract, for example) that was produced without pesticides. Organic does not necessarily mean your product is 100% natural, non-synthetic, or uses natural active ingredients.

How Do Natural Sunscreens Work?

Natural sunscreens work differently than chemical sunscreens. While synthetic sunscreen ingredients absorb UV rays, natural sunscreens block them. It's like having a physical shield over your skin, protecting you from sun exposure. For this reason, you might hear these products referred to as "physical sunscreen."

Some indications are that using physical sunscreens long-term gives you better protection against photoaging because, unlike synthetic sunscreens, there is no chemical reaction on your skin.


Natural sunscreens are also referred to as mineral sunscreen and physical sunscreen.

Opacity of Natural Sunscreens

The most apparent difference between synthetic and natural sunscreens is how they absorb into the skin. Chemical sunscreens typically absorb readily into the skin. Natural sunscreens do have a different texture and consistency than synthetic sunscreen products. Many people describe them as thicker. It may take a bit more rubbing to get them to fully absorb.

Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are white minerals that, in their natural form, don't absorb into the skin. Instead, they sit on top to block the sun. (Think of the old school lifeguard with white across the bridge of the nose—that's zinc oxide.)

Products containing micronized zinc oxide or titanium dioxide will blend much more smoothly and evenly into the skin. If they don't completely disappear, they come pretty close. Micronized minerals are ground into finer and smaller sizes, making them much less evident on the skin. Sometimes, these micronized particles are called nanoparticles.

Some controversy exists about the safety of zinc oxide and titanium dioxide nanoparticles. However, studies have shown that they are safe to use in sunscreens. Some other cosmetics products that use them in powder form might be more dangerous because the particles can be inhaled and potentially cause lung issues, although more extensive study to determine that risk is needed.

Examples of Natural Sunscreens

Natural sunscreens are those with zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide as their active ingredients. Most will use the words "zinc oxide" and/or "titanium dioxide" on their label as the active ingredients.

Here are some words that you might see on labeling to let you know the sunscreen is natural:

  • Mineral sunscreen

  • Natural sunscreen

  • EWG-verified


Environmental Working Group (EWG) is an independently funded nonprofit organization that advocates for safer agricultural practices and non-toxic ingredients in products. It ranks sunscreens yearly and recently rolled out an "EWG-certified" stamp for products it deems safe.

Some brands that have natural sunscreens include:

  • Alba Botanica


  • Badger

  • Babo Botanicals

  • Blue Lizard

  • Solara Suncare

  • Stream2Sea

  • SunBioLogic

  • Thinksport

Tips for Choosing A Natural Sunscreen

Now you've got a fairly good working knowledge about natural sunscreens and how they work. Are you ready to choose the right product for you? This checklist will help you out:

  1. Look at the active ingredients. You're specifically looking for zinc oxide, either alone or with titanium dioxide. Zinc oxide gives broad-spectrum SPF, so it will protect you against both UVA and UVB rays. Titanium dioxide is most effective against UVB only, so it won't protect you across the full spectrum and shouldn't be used as a stand-alone active ingredient. But it can help boost the effectiveness of zinc oxide.

  2. Choose an SPF of 30 or higher. You'll want your SPF to be at least a 30. This ensures you get enough protection for a reasonable period of time. SPF can go up to 50+, but once you get over SPF 30 the increase in sun protection you get is incremental.

  3. Take a look at the other ingredients if you're looking for all-natural. There is no set standard for what constitutes "natural" for either cosmetics (like skincare products and makeup) or for over-the-counter drugs (like acne products and sunscreen). So, if you're looking for a more natural option for sunscreen (and any skincare product for that matter) you'll have to do a little investigating. Just because a sunscreen has natural active ingredients does not in itself make the sunscreen 100% natural. The vehicle—basically all the other ingredients in the sunscreen—could still be comprised of synthetic ingredients. This doesn't necessarily make the sunscreen any better or worse than others. It simply comes down to what type of product you're looking for and your personal preference.

  4. Decide if you want a micronized or non-nanoparticles product. A product labeled micronized, either on the front or in the active ingredients, will give you a sunscreen that absorbs more fully and leaves little opacity on the skin. But, if you're concerned about the possible health risks of nanoparticles, this may be an acceptable trade-off for you.

Risks of Making Your Own Natural Sunscreen

There are many recipes online for making your own sunscreen. Unfortunately, you cannot do this and be assured that you're getting the SPF you need to protect your skin.

Contrary to what many blogs, online videos, and the like may say, there are no plant oils, essential oils, herbs, etc., that you can apply to your skin to give you natural sun protection. Some plants do have natural sunscreen abilities. But their efficacy is low, giving only an SPF 7 at the very best and an SPF 1 at the worst.

Also, these oils aren't blocking UV at the right wavelengths. In short, they're allowing the burn-and-tan rays to pass right through, doing nothing to protect your skin. The sources that claim studies have proven these oils have sun screening abilities and can be used as a natural sunscreen are, quite bluntly, misinterpreting the data.


Natural sunscreens are those that contain zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. These are also known as mineral or physical sunscreens. Natural does not necessarily mean better, but in this case it is differentiating from synthetic sunscreens, which use man-made chemicals as the active ingredients. Some people argue natural sunscreens are less toxic than synthetic sunscreens, although more research needs to be done.

Read the original article on Verywell Health.