Chris Evans Explains How He Convinced His Marvel Co-Stars to Make Those Surprise Cameos in 'Ghosted'

Chris Evans might not be playing Captain America in his latest film, Ghosted, but the movie still has some fun surprises for Marvel fans.

The new film, which co-stars Ana de Armas, features comedic cameo appearances from (SPOILER ALERT) Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, and Ryan Reynolds—all of whom have Marvel credits of their own—as well as Star Trek actor John Cho. In a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, Evans explained how he called in some favors to get the four actors to make appearances in his new action/rom-com.

"[Chris'] phone book is obviously quite interesting if you're into that sort of thing," director Dexter Fletcher told EW. "Ryan said to me privately that when he called Chris for a cameo in his movie, Chris came the next day, and that for him was a real sign of what a great guy Chris was. So Ryan did the same when the call went out. And that's how it works. It was really about their friendship."

Although Fletcher made the process sound easy, Evans wasn't so convinced.

"Well, you've got to do that awful thing where you hit someone up and say, 'Hey, you want to come do a cameo on this thing?'" Evans said. "I hate asking. I hate it...You're still just like, 'Sorry, do you want to do this?' And they're good buddies, so of course they're going to jump in. But it's like asking someone to pick you up from the airport. 'I know I really don't want to ask you to do this, but can you help me move on a Sunday?' But yeah, they came through and they were great."

According to Evans, his friends all showed up for him and were good sports about the cameos. "I think at some point someone talked about maybe cutting that sequence and everyone was like, 'No, everybody loves that. The assassin sequence is great. The cameos are perfect,'" he said. "They were such good sports."

The cameos aren't the film's only major reunion. Evans and de Armas previously starred together in Knives Out and The Gray ManGhosted is now streaming on AppleTV+.