'A classic case of child grooming' - readers react to Michael Jackson documentary Leaving Neverland
On Wednesday night, the first part of Leaving Neverland, an explosive new Michael Jackson documentary, aired on Channel 4. The interview-led documentary tells the stories of two men, Wade Robson 36 and James Safechuck 41, who allege Michael Jackson sexually abused them as children.
Our readers’ reactions to the revelations in the documentary were mixed. Some argued that the cases of Robson and Safechuck, and their relationships with Jackson, amounted to "classic child grooming’" However, others took a more cautious view, highlighting the attempts by the documentary to "manipulate" viewers’ feelings using "emotive tricks of the trade". A number of our readers suggested we may never know the full story of what happened at the Neverland ranch.
Read on for a snapshot of our reader reactions, and then let us know in the comments section below if you watched the first instalment of Leaving Neverland and what you thought. As ever, to join the conversation simply log in to your Telegraph account or register for free here.
Leaving Neverland exposes a 'classic case' of child grooming
@Alison Holt Piearce:
''It appears to have been classic child grooming - he made sure the starstruck and, let's face it, ambitious parents were looked after and kept on board, while the children idolised him. With his money and power who'd have believed them if they did complain at the time? Kids have been prostituted for far less (takeaways and cans of pop) in the UK and have believed they were in love with their abusers, so no doubt they had and still have complex feelings towards what happened, looking back on their sullied childhood with a mixture of disbelief and possibly shame.''
@Madeleine Richardson:
''Just as those in the know covered up the crimes of Saville, their counterparts surrounding Jackson did exactly the same. The children's innocence was sacrificed on the diabolical altar of celebrity.''
@Michael Morgan:
''I thought it was very credible and honest for them to admit that although abuse was going on they still craved for MJ's attention. As for the ins and outs of how and why it happened, it is something you have had to experience yourself and no one can judge these misguided people wound up in MJ's fame''
Michael Jackson's fame facilitated his abuse of power
@Jonathan Palmer:
''I'm not doing a "WE ARE ALL GUILTY" but as long as we are devoted to stars and the mega rich we will by implication condone behaviour like Michael Jackson's.''
@Ant Stone:
''Jackson appears to have been America's eqivalent of our Jimmy Saville: a well known and powerful celebrity who accentued and traded on a perceived quirkiness and eccentricity.''
''He had access to and the protection of powerful people, and ruthlessly exploited such links. I'm sure there are celebrities today still operating in our midst now.
''It must be said that both Saville and Jackson were always very dubious characters and ought never have been given such licence to do what they did.''
Leaving Neverland amounts to a 'trial by television'
@K AG:
''A one-sided documentary cannot be used to pronounce guilt on a dead man. Why were opposing views shunned by the makers? I have a feeling we are being conned. Hold your horses, people!''
@Paul Pelosi:
''Shameless trial-by-television of an individual who can no longer defend himself. I was appalled at the shameless audience manipulation by movie-makers obviously gifted in the placement of mood music and pictures of childhood innocence at appropriate moments. Having spent the first half hour stickily, cloyingly, establishing the wholesome credentials of the boys the Michael Jackson sector begins overlaid with sinister mood music. It was all too much for me and I had to walk away from the imaging.
''Is any of it believable? Not much. They could be telling the truth or they could be lying through their teeth. How would we know? There isn't a molecule of corroborating evidence for any of it. We are asked to believe that Jackson was raping young boys night after night and then discarding them, to be replaced by other boys. This went on for years. He did it in the knowledge that his stellar career would be over in a heartbeat if any of the boys had told their mothers, or even each other. None of them did. It is a hostage to fortune that even the whack.''
@Scancomark (on twitter):
''He became a monster after dying - when he is not here to defend himself. They tried when he was alive - it did not cut through and it's only when he's dead that he became a monster. They go even after his soul. I disagree & will be blasting some Michael Jackson in my car later.''
We will probably never know if Michael Jackson was guilty or innocent
@Carole Waters:
''We will probably never know if Michael Jackson was guilty or innocent. What is frightening is how trial by media is becoming the norm, a dangerous precedence indeed.''
''He was never convicted, therefore he is innocent. We as a society will not be convicting people, postmortem, in the court of public opinion.''
@Simon Coulter:
''Thirty years ago, Jackson was a huge star, with spectacular earnings and a huge extended entourage all dependent on his pulling power and clean image.
''The families involved here would have been utterly overwhelmed by his contact with them and frankly, blinded to his real interest in their sons by the hail of largesse he threw at them all.
''Everything described is the stuff of classic grooming but here on a fiscal scale perhaps unprecedented. To this day almost all those who must have had suspicions still have a vested interest in protecting what is now a posthumous cash cow.''
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