Sep. 18—Gingham Pals Homemakers
Gingham Pals Homemakers met at the home of Eleanor Arnold on Thursday, September 12, at 7 p.m. President Beth Walsh welcomed the group and opened with the Homemakers Creed and the Pledge to the American flag. Beth's quote of the month was "Keep your face always toward the sunshine — and shadows will fall behind you." Walt Whitman
Roll call — Are You an Organ Donor was answered by nine members, counting Anna Rouse, who we welcomed as a new member. We are so glad to have her. Mary Roller, co-hostess gave this inspiration — "Trees lose their leaves and still stand tall and proud and wait for better days."
The minutes of the August meeting were read by Secretary Kay Story and were approved as corrected. Treasurer Anita Mohr was unable to attend and we assume the treasury has the same as last month. Under old business, Achievement Night was discussed. We had four members attending. It was a nice evening with Sherry Owen presenting and interesting program on her book, "Pretty Porches and Glorious Gardens." Jane Hallgarth passed the envelope around for the food pantry. We are so fortunate that the pantry did not have serious damage from the recent fire that occurred in downtown Rushville. A few members gave Jane recipes to be used as favors at the District Meeting which Rush County hosts on October 7. Also, a sign up sheet was filled by members donating food that is needed for breakfast before the meeting begins. Reservations are due to County Treasurer Mary Delay by September 23. Cost is $15.
For Health and Safety, Eleanor Arnold gave us some guidelines when you are ill, whether to go a Walk in Clinic, Urgent Care or the Emergency Room. Very helpful information. It was mentioned that DUMPSTER DAYS for Rushville area are September 23 to 27. Heavy trash will be accepted: furniture, mattresses, bikes, grills carpet, etc.
Our next meeting is our fall outing and it was decided to eat out at Lakeview Restaurant in Cambridge City. We will meet there at 6 p.m.
Debbie Richardson gave a great lesson on organ donation. There is no cutoff or deferrals because of a medical condition. Donors may donate eight organs and tissue. These organs can save eight people. Tissue can heal up to 75 people. Donors are treated with the utmost respect, care and dignity. They are heroes!
The meeting adjourned and we enjoyed wonderful refreshments served by Mary Roller. — Information provided
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