CNN under fire for Melania Trump 'Woman of Mystery' show: 'Please tell me you asked her about being a birther'

One of Donald Trump’s biggest targets, CNN, is shining the spotlight on the first lady in a new documentary special set to air this Friday.

Hosted by FLOTUS correspondent Kate Bennett, Woman of Mystery: Melania Trump features interviews with the likes of White House adviser Kellyanne Conway, who calls her a “woman of action,” while communications director Stephanie Grisham describes her boss as “very, very independent.”

Talking heads featured in a preview for the documentary also claim that the Slovenian former model is “reclusive” and “an old-fashioned wife.”

But while Bennett doesn’t shy away from asking at least one tough question — “Do you think she’s miserable in the White House?” the CNN reporter asks in one scene — news of the special report has already drummed up backlash from critics. They accuse it of being a puff piece that’s uncritical of, to quote one commenter, “the wife of a traitor beholden to Putin.”

Soledad O’Brien, herself a former CNN host, was among those speaking out. Like many other critics, the broadcast journalist referenced the first lady’s support of her husband’s birther conspiracies alleging that Barack Obama was not born in the United States. In 2011, she questioned Obama’s live birth certificate from Hawaii during an appearance on The Joy Behar Show.

In her 2018 memoir, Becoming, Michelle Obama said she’d “never forgive” Trump for floating birther theories, writing that it put her family “at risk.”

Speaking of the Obamas, some commenters couldn’t resist comparing Trump to the former FLOTUS.

And some simply just aren’t interested in watching.

Controversy or no, Woman of Mystery: Melania Trump will air Friday, June 14 — the president’s 73rd birthday, as it happens — at 9 p.m. EST, with a repeat airing at 1 a.m. the next morning.

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