This Nasty Woman Shirt Just Raised $100,000 for PP

Photo credit: @eve_zook / Instagram
Photo credit: @eve_zook / Instagram

From Cosmopolitan

Nasty women don't just vote: They organize and get shit done.

After Donald Trump called Hillary Clinton a "nasty woman" during the third presidential debate in October, the internet was quick to reclaim the "insult" and turn it into a positive. Before the night was over, the phrase was trending nationwide, and Etsy stores around the world were suddenly stocked with keychains, posters, shirts, and more emblazoned with the "nasty woman" label.

As The Cut reports, the most popular piece of merchandise to emerge from the whole thing - a simple white T-shirt with "NASTY WOMAN" written over a pink heart - has continued to fly off the (internet) shelves even to this day, and it shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Even better, its success ultimately benefits a great cause: Half of proceeds from the shirts' sales are directly donated to Planned Parenthood in Trump's name.

In fact, Google Ghost, the shirt's creator, claims that they've raised $100,165 for Planned Parenthood so far.

Even though Clinton lost the election Nov. 8, the Nasty Woman Movement? is clearly stronger than ever. Check out a few awesome humans modeling the shirt below, and purchase one for yourself right here.

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