Coors Light Just Sent 150 Beers To This 93-Year-Old Woman

There's a whole lot of discourse going on right now around the subject of what does and doesn't constitute an "essential" item during life in quarantine. For Olive Veronesi, a 93-year-old resident of Seminole, Pennsylvania, there is one thing that makes lockdown a whole lot easier: beer.
Veronesi has been doing the responsible thing during the COVID-19 pandemic, by self-isolating in her home and not going outside unless it's absolutely necessary. This led to her running dangerously low on Coors Light, her brand of choice, so she fashioned a sign last week informing her neighbors of the dire situation:
"I was on my last 12 cans," Veronesi told local news station KDKA TV. "I have a beer every night... You know what, beer has vitamins in it, it's good for you, as long as you don't overdo it." (While Veronesi is correct that beer does contain vitamin B, alcohol destroys the vitamin B complex, and so the vitamin benefit is largely only found in unfiltered beers.)
Her public plea for more beer soon went viral, and led to a surprise delivery on Monday; 150 cans of Coors Light, along with some pretty rad Coors Light merch which she proudly modeled. Delighted by the gift, Veronesi quickly made a new sign updating the world: "Got more beer!"
Coors Light will undoubtedly now be inundated with copycat requests for beer deliveries for the rest of the shutdown, but they'll likely agree it was worth it to make this lady happy.
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