Corgi's Summertime Shenanigans on the Waterslide Are Making Everyone Laugh

Ruby the Corgi is the queen of canine summertime fun. She went viral last year for mastering the waterslide in her family's backyard (what a lucky pup!), and now she's back at it with even more aquatic tricks... though these ones don't go quite as planned!

This talented dog learned how to stop on the waterslide she shares with fur sibling @maui_thegoldenpup, and we must admit--we're impressed! She's not always as graceful as she seems while flying down the slide, though she's always entertaining AF.

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OMG! We definitely weren't expecting that tumble she took at the end, but it seems fitting for her chaotic self. If it's any consolation, even that slip was pretty graceful. There was barely any splash!

We're not surprised to see an endless number of commenters fawning over this Corgi's hilarity and her siblings' concern. In fact--the other swimming dogs are fan favorites!

@X0_lottie_0x thought it was so sweet how "the other dogs were helping Ruby at the end," and we don't think anyone would disagree. They were waiting for her right at the end of the slide, and they never took their eyes off her even once. Now that's friendship!

Another commenter, @ladyalexandria, made us laugh when she said, "the other two dogs: 'help is on the way dear. Help is on the way!'" LMAO! This reference is so classic yet so fitting, especially since the other pool pups are Golden Retrievers. They're the sweetest dogs, though you might not catch them on the slide as frequently as their Corgi sister. Even if they're relaxing in the pool, though--they know what it means to have summertime fun!

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