Couples Reveal What It's Really Like to Be in an Interracial Marriage
Loving vs.Virginia was barely 53 years ago and interracial relationships have since been on the rise. According to the Pew Research Center "One-in-six U.S. newlyweds (17%) were married to a person of a different race or ethnicity in 2015, a more than fivefold increase from 3% in 1967." This dramatic increase has not only opened doors for couples, but also for their children to be exposed to a wide range of different cultures and identities. One in seven U.S. infants were multiracial or multiethnic in 2015 according to another Pew Research Center study. We caught up with Marisa Peer, world-renowned therapist who specializes in relationships and interviewed three interracial couples who all have varying opinions on what it means to be in a interracial marriage in 2020. We asked Peer her thoughts on interracial marriages:
What can someone learn from being with someone from a different culture or race?
You have to learn to make your love more important than your rules. People from a different race or indeed a different religion, sometimes interracial marriages get a bit rocky because we have beliefs we think our partner understands. For instance, in your culture, it might be a big thing to celebrate birthdays and in another culture, it doesn't mean anything. So you have to have a huge level of understanding of what this means to your partner. There are many cultures that believe that and have conflicting beliefs about how you raise children, particularly when it comes to discipline or religion. You really need to work out early how you're going to do this, how you're going to juggle these two conflicting beliefs or needs.
Are there any cases where marriages don't work because one spouse comes from a different race?
Often marriages can seem to go very well and then change when children come along because one spouse has completely different beliefs about how children, particularly girls, should be raised. And that can be very difficult. In the beginning, we always think love is strong enough to conquer everything, but sometimes it really isn't.
What is the most challenging aspect of interracial dating/marriages?
The attitude of other people. It would always be other people's attitudes and how they judge you and often they can be very negative.
What advice would you give to someone who is ready for marriage with their significant other, but is afraid that the interracial aspect of the relationship will cause issues?
Talk. Talk about everything. Talk to them, talk to friends, get some counseling, find other people in interracial relationships, even online, and ask them what their greatest challenges were.
Jessica Jones Nielsen and husband Christian Nielsen have been married for ten years and both work as university professors in London. Jessica (39) considers herself Afro-Latina and Christian (44) identifies as white from Denmark.
What does the word interracial mean to you and how does it pertain to your marriage?
“That we come from different backgrounds but mainly different skin types. I’m a visibly brown Afro-Latina and my husband is visibly a white man. The differences in our races are quite noticeable. Because our kids look white we often spend time explaining that they're mixed so that is a consequence of our interracial marriage. Our daughter Olivia is 4 and our son Elijah 7.” explains Jessica.
What have you found to be the most challenging aspects of marriage with your partner in terms of cultural and racial exchanges.
"It’s different in the sense of how we celebrate traditions, not so much difficult. It’s about taking the time to celebrate other traditions and respecting them. The difficulty is the expectation. In the beginning, I was used to louder and festive times with my family, but in Denmark, it’s a lot quieter and calm. It’s almost low-key. I struggled in the beginning, but over the years came to appreciate the different traditions." says Jessica.
"If it’s a Danish tradition, it’s with my family, so Jessica will be an outsider. But if we go to a holiday in the U.S., I am an outsider, who doesn’t quite get what’s going on or the traditions or the nature of the culture..." Christian explained.
Based on societal views, do you consider interracial marriage more or less challenging in 2020?
Jessica responded, "My mom is Latina and dad is from Bermuda and were married in Virginia and suffered a lot of hardship because of their marriage. When I was two they had to move to California because of consistent racial issues. We’re lucky to be together now."
What have you both learned from being with someone from a different race? Has there been any teachable moments that you guys have created together to form a new tradition?
"Because we have kids, it makes us think about it more. Our kids are more visibly (lighter skinned) but we stress and emphasize the appreciation of beauty in different skin types because people are so diverse. There isn't one standard of beauty they should believe in. My children always tell me how beautiful my brown skin is and compliment their dad’s skin and features," shares Jessica.
Christian mentions, "It's more on a day to day basis (new traditions). We’ll have a typical Danish lunch and then have a dance party at the end. They eat all types of food. They have an appreciation for all foods from our countries. We visit often, showing them where our families were raised and being proud of those places. We don’t shelter their background, so they know where they come from. They know they have very dark and very light family members."
Jessica (31) and Cody (34) have been married for two years and currently reside in Atlanta, Georgia. Jessica, who identifies as a first-generation Korean American, works as a senior human resources generalist while Cody, who identifies as white American, earns his living as a sales account executive.
What does the word interracial mean to you and how does it pertain to your marriage?
“I don’t know what a better word would be if not interracial. I've never thought of it as negative for our own relationship. Historically, there is a negative connotation with interracial marriages (there are times I don’t even think about it between Cody and me). To me, it’s a blend or mix of thoughts and ideas, traditions and culture that stem from geographical distances. Even though we're both American, we’re both different races born with different cultural norms. To me an interracial marriage is the amalgamation of those two things." Jessica mentions.
Cody adds, “When we first started dating (on the surface level), there wasn’t any real tension in terms of race (we were both American), but when things got deeper and we started getting to know families and the ways we were raised, we noticed a difference. Jessica is obviously an American, but also a first-generation Korean American.”
What is the most challenging aspect of interracial dating and marriages?
“The norm for me growing up was my parents and friends knowing my girlfriend. It would be normal in a courting process for my family to get close to them. Koreans traditionally don’t meet the potential in laws until a meeting of the families, there they essentially say 'I want to marry this person' and the families agree or disagree. That is very different from how I grew up. I had to ask Jessica's dad to marry her only after meeting him a few times, which was awkward, but it worked out.” Cody says.
"I like to think it was fairly easy to assimilate into Cody's family, nothing was terribly unfamiliar to me. But in bringing Cody to my family, whether it was my immediate family or my extended family, as a first generation Korean American and not having any cousins or siblings getting married before me things were completely foreign. I learned what's traditional and unconventional." Jessica adds. "We got married in Cuba and did things differently. In going through things with Cody, I actually learned what was normal and not in my own culture."
What have you learned from being with someone from a different culture and race?
Jessica says "There’s a lot more to it then what I had originally thought. If I had imagined the relationship with just Cody and myself, things would be very easy. But when we added our families into the mix, that’s when things became a little bit more nuanced and it didn't matter that we just loved each other, we had to consider our families thoughts and their opinions. That made things more interesting."
"I’ve learned an appreciation that I couldn't fully grasp before meeting Jessica. An appreciation for her family and for people that have come to the U.S. more recently. I didn’t fully know the sacrifice that families made to come to the U.S. and what that means for future generations as well. It’s a positive thing for me to learn and understand. I know what sacrifice means for my family (my parents didn’t come affluent families), but it’s different than giving up your home country and moving across the world. It’s been amazing learning about that and respecting it," Cody responded.
What advice would you give to someone who is ready for marriage with their significant other, but is afraid their interracial relationship will cause issues?
"Make sure you talk through what is most important to you in life. Those are conversations you should definitely have before getting married." adds Jessica.
Cody says “If you both like each other's cultural food... that’s a good start."
Angelica and Thomas tied the knot in 2019. Angelica (34) identifies as Hispanic, while Thomas (38) is from England and identifies as white. Both are finance professionals who live in New York City and have noticed a change in how society views interracial marriages.
Based on societal views do you consider interracial marriage more or less challenging in 2020?
"I would certainly say much less challenging than in my parents and their parents time. However, that does not mean that the challenge does not exist. Think about this: families were attacked and forced out of neighborhoods (take Mariah Carey’s family for example) just because they were interracial. We probably don’t have that anymore, but it doesn’t mean people don’t still talk about it. I think when we can get to a place when an interracial couple walks by and it doesn’t make us do a double take or register, then perhaps we are on our way to full acceptance. This of course is just in America and even then amongst certain racial groups. I would say a lot of pressures come within the family. I grew up with my mother always going on and on that I should never date a Hispanic man for a number of racist, stereotypical reasons. I most certainly ignored her advice, but she always seemed to be less critical of white men I dated," says Angelica. "For my own daughter, I hope she is able to grow up free from negative color or race influence and marry for pure love. I want her to fall in love with a human that treats her fairly, with dignity and respect whether that be male or female, black, white, Latino, Asian, etc."
Thomas adds "I was very lucky to be brought up in a very accepting environment, as generationally that’s not always the case. Although the news recently has provoked a divide of opinions, I think the Prince Harry and Meghan Markle marriage has maybe helped modernize or evolve ‘old-fashioned’ views and opinions. I would hope it’s less challenging in 2020, and beyond."
What does the word interracial mean to you and how does it pertain to your marriage?
"To me, interracial is the merging of two races. I’m not sure the word in particular plays any significant role in my relationship. We view one another as someone we love. I think the elements that make me Latina have more to do with my upbringing than my race. I have always been in somewhat of a limbo when it comes to being Puerto Rican. I seem to never be “Boricua enough” for Puerto Ricans and I am never all-American enough for others. I’ve never felt this with Thomas, perhaps because he is European and I’ve always been enough just as I am. He is one of the most open minded, non-judgmental people I have ever met. With Thomas being English, one of the most obvious qualities is his accent. All of his traditions come from how he was raised. On occasion he will walk in to me blasting La India or some sort of salsa. I’m certainly not oblivious to our vastly different upbringings, but I think that's what makes us so unique. I also believe this creates a lifetime of getting to know one another." says Angelica.
"It means to me that I, my wife and our present and future family will have so much to investigate, explore and learn together. It means we can culturally grow, and actively educate our children to help them understand their identity. It’s very exciting for us to be able to guide them on this journey. For example, learning family histories and combining and even starting traditions, to make many more happy memories." says Thomas.
What advice would you give to someone who is ready for marriage with their significant other, but is afraid their interracial relationship will cause issues?
"This is tough. Family can put so much pressure on us in making some of the most important decisions of our lives. I think I would say envision the life you want to live – who is there? Who supports you in this life? Is therapy something that your partner and family are willing to go to together? My mother and I have never been close for a variety of reasons, mainly because her ignorance keeps her in a place I cannot relate to. As I get older, I realize that I cannot change her, but that doesn’t mean I have to accept her poor behavior either. Instead, I have chosen my little family (my husband, my daughter and my soon to be born son) over trying to enlighten my mother. She still has a small presence in my life, mainly through technology (via texts or photos), but I find myself more at peace with this form of relationship than our previous tumultuous one," mentions Angelica.
"Go for it! Life’s too short. But always communicate these feelings or concerns you have to your significant other. As mentioned, I’m very fortunate to come from an understanding family that only wants what makes me happy." says Thomas.
What have you found to be the most challenging aspects of marriage with your partner in terms of cultural and racial exchanges?
"I will say that we sometimes have communication debacles due to my or his misunderstanding of a text or tone. I think the best example of this was when we first met on Bumble. I asked him what his plans were for the weekend and he responded with ‘What do you have on?’ I was in shock and of course immediately thought – WEIRDO! Seeing that I wasn’t responding, he realized what it sounded like and clarified with what weekend plans I had on… Things like this happen to us quite often as we continue to decode our languages, which while both are English… could mean completely different things!" says Angelica.
"On another note, I will say that I often times will ask him to go to a hostess at a packed restaurant to get us a table – the accent always works. And recently we have been in the midst of searching for a home to purchase and I often pushed him to make inquiries for the simple reason that my last name was Morales and his was Vicary. Unfortunately, while the intention may not be racist, a realtor is more likely to respond to a male Vicary than a female Morales… I think Thomas did not always understand that since he probably never experienced that type of prejudice. My name change is a big deal for me on a variety of levels. For one, my Latin heritage means a lot to me. However, I have chosen to keep Garcia as my middle name and will also be passing this name on to my son (due in April) so that he too will carry a part of my heritage."
"It's the very early days of our marriage, and I acknowledge and embrace the cultural and background differences of our union. We fortunately haven’t come across too many challenging aspects. However, we almost never met initially due to my question of ‘what do you have on?’ in our dating app text exchange. So our differing use and interpretation of the English language (and wider communication) is something we’ve worked on since day one!" Thomas mentions.
Couples Reveal What It's Really Like to Be in an Interracial Marriage
Loving vs.Virginia was barely 53 years ago and interracial relationships have since been on the rise. According to the Pew Research Center "One-in-six U.S. newlyweds (17%) were married to a person of a different race or ethnicity in 2015, a more than fivefold increase from 3% in 1967." This dramatic increase has not only opened doors for couples, but also for their children to be exposed to a wide range of different cultures and identities. One in seven U.S. infants were multiracial or multiethnic in 2015 according to another Pew Research Center study. We caught up with Marisa Peer, world-renowned therapist who specializes in relationships and interviewed three interracial couples who all have varying opinions on what it means to be in a interracial marriage in 2020. We asked Peer her thoughts on interracial marriages:
What can someone learn from being with someone from a different culture or race?
You have to learn to make your love more important than your rules. People from a different race or indeed a different religion, sometimes interracial marriages get a bit rocky because we have beliefs we think our partner understands. For instance, in your culture, it might be a big thing to celebrate birthdays and in another culture, it doesn't mean anything. So you have to have a huge level of understanding of what this means to your partner. There are many cultures that believe that and have conflicting beliefs about how you raise children, particularly when it comes to discipline or religion. You really need to work out early how you're going to do this, how you're going to juggle these two conflicting beliefs or needs.
Are there any cases where marriages don't work because one spouse comes from a different race?
Often marriages can seem to go very well and then change when children come along because one spouse has completely different beliefs about how children, particularly girls, should be raised. And that can be very difficult. In the beginning, we always think love is strong enough to conquer everything, but sometimes it really isn't.
What is the most challenging aspect of interracial dating/marriages?
The attitude of other people. It would always be other people's attitudes and how they judge you and often they can be very negative.
What advice would you give to someone who is ready for marriage with their significant other, but is afraid that the interracial aspect of the relationship will cause issues?
Talk. Talk about everything. Talk to them, talk to friends, get some counseling, find other people in interracial relationships, even online, and ask them what their greatest challenges were.
It's been more than 50 years since Loving vs. Virginia, what's changed?
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