The Crown: The Hereditary Principle, season 4 episode 7 review: Margaret uncovers a dark family secret
This season of The Crown has been disappointing for Princess Margaret fans. The arrival of Diana and Mrs Thatcher have rather crowded her out, and in her brief appearances she’s mostly been a horror. But The Hereditary Principle is her episode, as well as being a chance for Peter Morgan to throw light on a lesser known element of Windsor family history.
Nerissa and Katherine Bowes-Lyon were nieces to the Queen Mother, first cousins to Margaret and the Queen. Born with severe learning difficulties, they were committed to an institution while still young, in 1941, and remained there all of their lives. It would be easy to say that the 1940s were different times, when genetic disorders and disabilities were little understood. But Katherine lived until 2014 (Nerissa died in 1986).
How to weave this sad tale into The Crown? Peter Morgan has made it a backdrop to Margaret’s misery. In this version of events – how true, we cannot say – Margaret and the Queen have no idea of their cousins’ existence, believing that they died young. Margaret finds it out from a therapist who volunteers the information at their first appointment (if this happened in real life, I’ll eat my hat), and sets out to investigate with the help of a friend, Derek ‘Dazzle’ Jennings (Tom Burke).
Not that Margaret goes entirely willingly to see a “headshrinker”. “It’s outrageous that I, an HRH, should travel to see her!” she complains. But she warms to it. She still has a raddled glamour, but these are the years of Margaret’s decline. After the high romance of the Roddy Llewellyn years, she’s now miserably alone. “Love is a tender kiss for most people. For me she saves her sharpest axe,” she says bitterly, in a line too OTT even for her.
And then we’re back to the main theme of this series: the heartlessness of The Firm. With nothing to fill her day but hair appointments, Margaret asks her sister for a more prominent royal role – only to be told that she has dropped down the order of importance now Edward has come of age. The Queen doesn’t even deliver this news herself, but gets her private secretary to deliver it (Charles Edwards as Martin Charteris is an excellent contributor to the cast, doing a great deal with the few scenes he’s given).
But the Queen Mother (Marion Bailey) is the real Cruella, given an extraordinary speech to explain why her nieces were locked away. “Their professionally diagnosed idiocy and imbecility would make people question the integrity of the bloodline. Can you imagine the headlines if it were to get out?” she asks. “The idea that one family alone has the automatic birthright to the Crown is already so hard to justify. The gene pool of that family better have 100 per cent purity.”
The speech is contrasted with heart-rending images of the elderly nieces clutching royal mementos. Are the makers of The Crown being manipulative? Undoubtedly. Did Margaret really care so much about her cousins’ plight? Debatable. It is an episode that, for many reasons, leaves a nasty taste.
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