Dachshund Gives Birth To Record Breaking Litter of Puppies
A three-year-old Dachshund from Leicester gave birth to an enormous littler of puppies last month, and her owner believes she may have set a world's record.
Dachshunds usually have been one to six puppies in a litter on average, and Winnie gave birth to eleven dogs!
The Daily Mail reports, "Stay-at-home dog mum Rayma said: 'I was amazed [by the litter]. I just kept counting them over and over. I was so surprised that I kept expecting her to pop out another one when I wasn't looking. She's such a great mum. I'm overwhelmed that she could have had a world record number of puppies.I looked online and I couldn't believe it.Winnie's a natural. She even has ten nipples so she can nearly feed them all at the same time - it's very sweet to watch. She never wants to leave them, and if she hears another dog she's right there next to them.She's the best mum ever."
6 weeks is typically the point when Dachshund puppies are fully weaned and can be separated from their mother, and until then this mama has a lot of care to give all these puppies! According to the article, Rayma says she plans to sell the puppies at about 8 weeks, but a price hasn't been set yet.
Dachshunds are lively, affectionate and playful, and they can also be stubborn and independent. All we know is that they are amazingly adorable and whoever gets one of these precious puppies will be amazingly lucky to have such a sweet friend for life. Congratulations Winnie! Be sure and get the rest you need and deserve!
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