Your Daily CatScope for August 08, 2021
While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.
Your ability to impress the other kitties in your life -- or anyone else, really -- is foremost on your mind right now. It's usually pretty easy, but for some reason, you find it hard to work up the mojo.
You may find that the cats and other critters in your life seem filled with wisdom right now -- but that's mostly thanks to they way you're seeing things! Sit back, start purring and figure it all out.
You seem to be the only one who isn't hiding something today! That could mean a surprise bath or worse from the humans, or maybe another kitty has a plan to sneak up and steal your food!
You can see into people's hearts today -- much more clearly than usual! Your feline intuition should be pretty much dead-on, at least as far as humans are concerned. So act with confidence!
All you really want to do today is help your best human friends with their various projects -- it doesn't matter how much sense they make to you! Rub up against them and let them know you're ready.
Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!
If you're looking for someone to play with or something to do today, look no further than your own surroundings. Your great energy ensures that life is great and that almost everyone wants to play.
You may feel somewhat nostalgic for the old days -- even if they were just last year, or even more recently! It's a weird place for a kitty to be in, but you're better than most at being a weirdo!
You can work miracles with the humans today -- they are so easy to impress that you could just snooze through the day and they'd think you were a brilliant mouser! Get them to give up the treats.
Try not to overdo it today -- you need to make sure that you're still at least a little perky tonight and tomorrow, when things might get to be even more fun! If you exhaust yourself, the other cats get all the fun.
Whether you're making a mighty leap or just popping up at the right time when someone needs your purring, you are making a great impression. Your good energy helps you do whatever's right.
You are one confused kitty today! You can't figure out what the humans in your life are doing or why they're doing it -- but you should just try to lie low and let it all work itself out later.
You're not sure what it is, but something is not quite right. It could be that you need to nudge your human pals in a new direction of some kind, or maybe they need to get rid of something new instead.
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