Your Daily CatScope for August 19, 2022
While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.
Though you're pretty independent -- even for a feline -- sometimes you've got to reconnect with the people and cats that mean the most to you. Spend a little extra time hanging out with the family today.
You are feeling the urge to hang out with your fellow felines, which may be a problem if there aren't any in the house. You may need to substitute toys, humans or even the dog (in a pinch).
Though you are usually pretty forgiving when it comes to food and sharing, today you can't stand to give up a single molecule of what's yours. Try not to be mean about it -- things need to stay civil!
Even more than on regular days, you are focused on yourself and your own needs. Though every now and then, you might take notice of the other folks in your life, for now it's pretty much all you.
You're all too happy to let the other kitties think they're on top, as long as everyone listens when you decide to speak up. It's a good day to sit back and watch the parade go by as you reign over it.
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It's a good time to gather the family for fun or just for a good, long snuggle. See if you can get most of the people you love together in one place, even if it feels like you're, well, herding cats!
You're feeling things a bit more intensely than usual and that could be rough for an already-sensitive feline like you. Try to take a nice long nap and let your dreams wash away the crazy.
You're pretty intuitive even on your worst days and right now you are charged up with good emotional energy. Show that one special human that you know exactly what they're going through!
You may feel a bit out of sync with the rest of the world, which could provide some hilarity -- but only for other folks! You may try to play with other kitties but lag behind, or just have a hard time being graceful.
You're not much for nonsense, so go right ahead and deal with that dumb kitten or neighborhood dog that is making life so tedious for everyone. You can do it -- as long as you're firm.
Life is a little harder than usual for you today. Maybe you've got to wait an extra half hour (which feels like an eternity) to get your food, or maybe another cat has decided that you need to learn a lesson.
Today is perfect for silly games and fun with your friends and family. Make stuff up, or dig out your favorite toys and worry them like you're a tiny kitten again. Life is pretty sweet when you want it to be!
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