Your Daily CatScope for August 21, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You figure out all kinds of cool ways to spend the day and ought to impress anyone who is watching you with your wiles and savvy. Make sure that you don't tie yourself down to any one activity.


You need to make sure that you're still the one with the common sense in the household -- but you've also got to make sure that you're not just preaching at everyone within earshot! Find a balance.


You're not exactly easy to please today -- but if anyone manages to pull it off, they should find that you are totally open about how happy you are! Make your opinions known whenever possible.


Surprise your friends and family by busting a move on impulse, rather than calculating each step. They may not believe their eyes when you swoop down on them at the last possible second!


You know you're in the right place and the right time and can tell that things re going to be great for the foreseeable future. Your kitty energy makes it even more likely that good things happen today!

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Does it feel as if you've walked into a different house today -- or maybe a madhouse? There's just too much going on for you to handle, so don't be ashamed when you duck under a couch and cower.


You know exactly what you want (most likely, it comes in a can), but you might not be able to get your desire across to the proper authorities. Your good energy might help you, though!


The humans are out to teach you a lesson -- but it's one you've already learned! You might be able to avoid them for a while, but eventually you need to settle down and let them speak their piece.


You find that something is a lot better than it was just yesterday. It might be the food situation, or it could be that you have access to some new part of the house that's full of neat stuff to check out.


The other cats in your life (if any) are making life harder than it really needs to be and you may find that people are more willing to take their side! It's so unfair -- but you'll get your revenge soon enough.


You may have to deal with competing forces with the household or neighborhood that want you to join one side or the other. If it feels right, go for it, but otherwise slink away and hide out.


You're pickier than usual about your food -- which might be saying quite a lot! You've got to eat something, though, so make sure that you at least give what's in your bowl a nibble or two.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.