Your Daily CatScope for August 24, 2021
While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.
You're full of great energy today, and can hardly believe how great the day feels even early on! Excitement mounts as you explore your house or year -- or even farther out in the world!
You and your human pals are struggling over who gets to make -- or enforce -- the rules. They're going to win in the end, but you might be able to snag some key concessions if you bluster.
Something clicks inside your relatively smallish brain and gives you the best idea ever! It may be that you're in the right place to wreak some cool mischief, or maybe you can say hi to someone totally new and cool.
Try your very best to get the most out of your interactions with humans and other critters today -- it's far too easy for you to let them pass by without scratching you or offering up a neat treat!
Use that great kitty energy you've got flowing through you today to make your stand or to show the humans what you will or won't put up with. Your willpower is amazingly strong right now!
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Try your very best not to get too worked up over some minor change in your routines -- the humans can't help it, and your flexibility means the world to them. All is well in the long run.
Try not to stress out too much over the little details of life -- the dust, the bugs, the stray kibble. All you need to do is lie there and look cute, or stare out the window until you figure out what to do next.
Be sure to tread more carefully around the house today -- you're almost sure to slip up otherwise! It's one of those weird times when your self-confidence might get the better of you.
Try to share your awesome mood with all the other folks in the house -- human, feline or whatever. Your good cheer might seem suspicious to some, but those who know you well expect it!
Someone in your life is challenging your assumptions -- and you should thank them! You may just have to throw a purr their way, but you are sure to like how it all works out in the end.
You're a scientist at heart, even without opposable thumbs! It's a great day for you to poke around outside or find some new way to do your regular kitty business -- it's sure to be instructive!
your human pals are no problem today, but if you have to deal with any other kitties -- or anyone else, for that matter -- you should make sure that you're on their good side. That may take some doing!
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