Your Daily CatScope for August 26, 2021
While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.
Try your best to take care of yourself today -- even though that's usually the humans' job! You need to remind yourself that you are really a fierce predator who can handle any situation.
You feel totally lucky to be with your people today -- humans, cats, and even other critters! Your great energy should help bind them all into a cohesive family. so don't be shy this time!
Try to understand what the humans are trying to tell you -- it's better than just giving up and wandering away! This time it's important to both of you that communication operates smoothly.
It's even easier than usual for you to relax and chill out with your favorite people and other critters. Your social energy is loose and readily available, so entertain those you love the best.
Something makes you think twice today -- it could be almost anything from a new kitty in the neighborhood to a closed door that's always been open before. You can reconfigure your plans with ease.
What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! ??
Use your amazing energy today to start off in a new direction -- maybe being nice to that other kitty in your life, maybe just colonizing a new sunbeam zone. You can enrich your life quite a bit!
You and your inner wildcat are at odds with each other once again, and this time you need to show it who's boss! Even if it wants you to scratch or bite someone hard, you're civilized!
Scurry around the house or the neighborhood -- you've got some secrets to dig up (or maybe to protect)! It's a great day for espionage of all sorts, but cats are especially good at it!
Try not to worry too much about the weird decisions the humans are making today -- they shouldn't have much of an impact on you in the long run! You may need to duck out of the way for now, though.
It's a better day for complicated planning than it is for action -- not to say that you don't enjoy a good game of chase-the-tail! You probably spend more time lost in thought or nodding off, though.
It's important that you look around more than usual today -- there's too much for you to miss out on otherwise! Maybe you spy a mouse who's ready for the hunt, or maybe you can make a new friend.
You shouldn't have to think too hard today -- in fact, you shouldn't haver to think at all! It's a good time for you to see if you can get your people to gather around for a huge cuddle puddle!
What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.
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