Your Daily CatScope for December 18, 2022
While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.
You are having a hard time paying attention to other people's -- and kitties' -- feelings today. That could just mean that you bump up in line at feeding time, but it could also mean that someone feels hurt!
No matter how grossly unfair life gets to be today, you need to make sure that you're taking it all in stride (more or less). If you get too bent out of shape, people will stop taking you seriously!
You're focused on that one special human today -- try to do something nice for them! Even if they don't notice, you can still get a warm glow just from knowing you helped them out.
You should be able to put off any big decisions for a while -- after all, nobody really expects you to have a firm opinion about anything serious. When you do, though, let the powers that be know right away!
It feels like you're the start of your own action movie today, constantly on the move and getting things done. Your human pals are the perfect audience, gasping in delight at each new stunt!
Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!
Make sure that you're not just bucking tradition for its own sake -- you've got to go along to get along today! It's a good time to let others set the pace and wait until dinner time to start asking about food.
It's the best time for you to slow down and let yourself think about the big feline issues in your life. You may need to close your eyes for a while to avoid the distractions of the outside world.
It's a good day for letting the big picture start to sink in -- you are usually so focused on your day-to-day stuff that you never know when you might be surprised by something larger.
You'd like nothing better than to just roll around in a sunbeam and have fun with your friends -- and most likely, they won't want much more than that, either! It's a near-perfect day for you.
You have quite definite ideas about what you want to see happen today -- and when you're disappointed, you'll let the whole world know! It's a good time for you to pill back a bit and get the big picture.
You're in the middle of a lovely social time today, even if your friends are largely outside or imaginary. It's a good time to cuddle with the most important people in your life and build up that bond!
You are one lucky kitty today -- too bad you can't buy lottery tickets! It's a good time to exploit your luck in other arenas, though, maybe playing frisky games or just letting the sunbeam come to you.
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