Your Daily CatScope for February 17, 2022
While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.
You're far more concerned with what humans and other critters think of you today, and that might make you appear to be more timid -- which gets you worried that they think you're a scaredy-cat!
Now is a great time to take care of that wanderlust of yours -- even if you're not allowed outdoors! You might be able to take an imagination vacation from the safety of a window seat.
You aren't totally sure what to do about today's uncomfortable situation -- but your feline instincts should help you move past it. You just need to nap the day away, if that's remotely possible.
Are you paying attention? Today is a special day for you, as long as your eyes and ears are open and you keep looking for new ways to enjoy it. Your humans may be especially helpful, too.
You're all fired up and ready to meet new people -- though they could be covered with fur just like you! It's easier than ever to make a good impression and leave them wanting more of you.
What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.
Your good energy is perfectly attractive to the right people -- or cats, or dogs or who knows what? You should find it incredibly easy to make friends even with those who ordinarily wouldn't look twice at you.
This might be a good day to sneak outdoors, even if the weather is vile. You need to clear your head of all the social business and feline resentment that's likely to have built up over the past few weeks.
Take care of business today -- things need to be all lined up before you can take that long nap you've been dreaming of. See if you can get your people to pull their weight, for once!
Your spiritual side can wait -- you're hungry or sleepy and need to attend to your material needs! Cats are great at balancing both worlds usually, but every now and then you like to go all the way to one side.
Try to get out in the world and mix it up with people -- you can easily impress them with your feline charms and make a few new friends in the process. Your goof energy is a hot property right now!
You have no idea why things are happening today, but don't bother trying to figure it all out. You're better off just reacting and hoping that it all starts to add up tomorrow or the next day.
You need to help your human friends make sense of something today -- though you can't just tell them what's going on, as that would be cheating! Nudge them in the right direction and they'll get it.
Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.
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