Your Daily CatScope for January 09, 2022
While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.
You can figure out almost anything -- except that crazy human yowling! Your creative side is dominant, and that means you're busting out with all sorts of awesome answers to big questions.
You need to avoid the temptation to show off today -- it is sure to backfire in a big way! If you keep it mellow, you can have a good time with your fellow felines and those crazy humans, too!
Your sass is reaching epic proportions today, so see if you can impress the humans or some other critter with your big ideas. It's easy for you to stand up to almost anyone, no matter how big they are!
Act on impulse today -- it's fun, and you are sure to surprise whoever it is who thinks they know you. All that crazy energy needs to be let out somehow, and you can easily find the way to do it.
The humans in your life are treating you like a rock star or supermodel -- as they should! Your great energy shows them how they ought to live, and it's the least they could do to shower you with adulation.
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Your feline senses can get overwhelmed a bit too easily, and on a day like today, you are sure to find things to be a little busier than you can take. Just try to find a safe place to hide for a few hours.
You need to tell the humans what they should do to make you happy today, even if it makes you feel pushy. Your energy is actually pretty great, and they are in a good position to do what's right.
You need to deal with your human friends -- or maybe a local top cat -- in order to get your way. The problem is, they are sure to see themselves as the final word when it comes to all issues.
It's one of those days when you can tell that things are changing for the better -- so keep moving in the right direction! Your humans may give you new, tasty chow or find a new way to amuse you.
You're having a hard time dealing with your fellow felines today, so see if you can get them to chill out and let you do things in your own way. You may need to hiss a few extra times!
Try not to rock the boat too much today -- you've got to deal with something that's bigger than you are used to. It's a good time for you to make sure that you're getting the right balance of play and relaxation.
Your diet is changing a bit today, so see if you can get your friends to help you cope. You can't take big shifts as easily as other kitties, so even if you just eat a new kind of bug, you may have to go through a lot.
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