Your Daily CatScope for March 14, 2023
While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.
You are feeling the urge to try something new -- maybe thanks to a recent feline achievement that is keeping you happy and engaged. Whatever it is, you should find it totally fun and worthwhile!
Your friends and family all seem to be at odds with each other today and you might be caught in the middle! Of course, you can always go hide out under the bed, but you may want to mix it up.
Your amazing mental energy is making you a force to be reckoned with right now and it could be that you need to get up to mischief just to test your limits Why not? Things are really good for you.
You and your human pals need a new arrangement when it comes to food or your responsibilities vis-a-vis cuddling. It could be simple, or you may have to struggle just to be understood!
You are understandably feeling quite good about yourself today -- but the energy of the universe is stretching you out a bit thin! Try not to make a big deal out of your talents, or it could get embarrassing.
Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.
You need to figure out a way to make your toys and belongings make sense to you -- even though alphabetization is still a bit beyond you (for now). Maybe arrange them according to some arbitrary feline scheme.
You're having too much fun to worry about any big-picture stuff -- so just chill out and see if you can enjoy each moment as it comes. Your human pals appreciate having you around more than ever!
You're wondering why everyone seems to be so weird around the house today, but there's nothing to it -- every now and then you just have to deal. People and kitties are all rubbing each other the wrong way!
You can say more with a few yowls or purrs than most people can get across with a thousand words -- at least for now! Let your humans know what's going on with you, even if it's the same-old, same-old.
You're being fussy about food or other mundane concerns and the humans might think its funny -- or they might start to get worried about your sanity! See if you can take care of business out of the spotlight.
You're feeling more energetic than you have in quite a while and ought to be able to have fun no matter what's going on around you See if you can share your great energy with the most important folks in your life.
All you want to do is help out in the kitchen or when the humans are changing the sheets, but most likely, they won't see your assistance in the most favorable light. You need to step up, though!
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