Your Daily CatScope for September 24, 2022
While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.
You are trying to cope with some weird feelings that are bubbling up from down below and it can be kind of rough. You can count on support from your human buddies, though, just like they count on you!
You are focused like a laser beam on something small in the house -- and your obsession might take off! Other kitties, or even the humans, could get involved and by tonight, all hands might be on deck.
You just want to help the humans with whatever it is they're doing -- cooking, cleaning, taxes or watching the glowing box. They might not appreciate your efforts as much as you think they should!
You don't really know what to do with your day, but try not to let that indecision paralyze you! It may be a good time to take your cues from someone close who doesn't ordinarily lead the way.
Don't let yourself be satisfied with the way things appear on the surface -- use that feline visual acuity you are so famous for to look more deeply. Life just gets more and more interesting.
Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!
You can't help but wonder what's really going on around the house -- and your curiosity will soon be satisfied! Things aren't really all that freaky and once you get it, you should be able to relax.
You are on some kind of mission today and might be totally mystifying the other folks in your life with your drive and efficiency. They're used to seeing you sprawled out and relaxed -- what gives?
Powerful energy is coursing through you right now and it's making every little thing more intense. It should be almost all good, so you may want to just sit back and enjoy the good times.
Sleeping is even more appealing than usual today -- if that's even possible! You're pretty low-energy and your dream life might be a lot more exciting than whatever's going on out in the real world.
You're not the most social of animals -- after all, you're descended from solitary hunters -- but today, all you want is to hang out with your friends. They might be human or they might be stuffed, but they're yours!
It may be hard for you to believe, but you're actually doing a lot better than you were a year ago (or more recently, if you're still a little kitten). Don't get hung up on the past -- live for today!
You're feeling pretty good about life, but maybe a little too much so! It's all too easy for you to let other kitties climb over you to get at your food or to just generally take advantage of you.
Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.
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