Your Daily Couples Horoscope for August 21, 2022

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


Life is still good, and you're itching for a new adventure of some kind. You ought to be able to get your partner excited, so head out and see what you can discover together!


You deserve as much time as you want to reach the big decision that is facing you, so if your partner is pushing you too hard, tell them to back off. They might grumble, but it's all for the best.


Make sure your social energy is working for your partner. They need some quiet time soon. Be considerate and check in before running off to more engagements.


Although you remember anniversaries and other small facts that relate to your relationship, don't get too torn up if your partner doesn't. Your mind is just razor sharp right now!


You need to try something new with your partner. Fortunately, the energy of the day will make that much easier than usual. In fact, the two of you should enjoy it tremendously!

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!


You're as sassy as a bag of cats, and your partner should respond pretty well. If you end up fighting for some reason, things could get out of control -- but the makeup will be divine!


You are in a pretty good mood, and you might want to see whether your partner is too. The odds are good that they need something that only you can provide. Figure it out early on.


Ask your partner what's going on. You might be surprised by what they say. Things are going to pick up for both of you pretty soon, but for now you can at least listen to their worries.


You're feeling more certain than ever about the direction of your relationship. You're in a good place to convince your partner to see things your way. You both should have great fun once you are on the same page!


Older relatives will play a role today. Perhaps someone is about to meet the parents, or maybe a family emergency calls on resources neither one of you realized you possessed.


Your noblest instincts are going to rise to the surface (they don't have far to go). This altruistic tendency will help you make the world a better place. You partner may or may not join in, but they'll certainly fill with pride.


Don't initiate a big talk with your partner. Today you're more comfortable with ambiguity than clarity. It is a good time for sweet nothings, though!

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