Your Daily Couples Horoscope for January 09, 2022
Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!
Figuring out where this relationship is going doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing affair. You could actually take it day by day instead. What a relief that would be for you and your partner!
Your emotions are running high today, and you're more likely to take offense where none was intended. Give your partner the benefit of the doubt. If something they say upsets you, wait a bit and see if the feeling passes.
Can you accept yourself without judgment? When you're able to do that for yourself, you can also do that for your beloved. What could be more welcoming and nourishing than truly unconditional love?
Of course you want to hear your partner's opinion, but you might be more influenced by it than you realize. They're not involved in the situation, while you're invested in it. Listen to their words, but remember it's your choice.
Your head is suddenly a hotly disputed territory. Loving thoughts about your significant other fight for supremacy with critical, nitpicky ones. It's normal to have both kinds, you know. They can even coexist!
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Think beyond the immediate when it comes to making a current crop of decisions about you and your partner. What will the effects be in the long term? And not just on yourselves, but on your nearest and dearest?
Usually you have just the right light touch to handle any kind of challenge, but today you're feeling slightly more like a blunt instrument. That's okay. Some tasks just require more force than usual.
Fantastic financial news is coming your way. This will relieve much of the current stress on your relationship. Invest these new resources wisely, and you two could be enjoying the fruits of this labor for a while.
After all of that hard work and effort, congratulations are in order. You pulled off a coup, and spectacularly so! Don't forget to thank your partner. After all, they were there every step of the way.
Getting started is easier when you take the pressure off yourself and your partner. You don't have to get things right immediately. What's the big deal? This relationship, like the best things in life, is a work in progress.
It's arts and crafts time, especially if you and your partner are trying to get all your options in place for your next big move. So how can you two be a little more artful about crafting your future?
Keeping track of all the practical matters in this relationship is a big job, and it's not one you should have to do alone. If your partner isn't stepping up to the plate, it's time for you to delegate.
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