Your Daily Couples Horoscope for October 11, 2021

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


Sweetie has to come first today, no matter what's going on in other aspects of your life. You're going to find that their needs will dovetail nicely with your own business, though.


Relationships involve hard work -- everyone knows that. Still, right now, you'd rather coast along on your past successes, so see if you can get your sweetheart to put off the maintenance.


Your romantic energy is so deliciously in sync with Honey's that you'll spend as much time together as you can today, basking in the glow. Enjoy! And keep in mind that this new dimension is only getting better from here.


Something small could blow up today and leave the two of you struggling to figure out what happened. You'll work it out eventually, but for now just try to keep things civil.


You're feeling great about where the two of you are as a couple -- so be sure to tell Cutie as soon as you can! Find a creative way to express your feelings and you'll make them swoon.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! ??


The two of you are finding that there's a lot more bringing you together than you had first realized. There's no need to read a lot more into it, but it's lovely and refreshing.


See if you can play hooky from household duties with your partner today -- you've got so much good energy that you'd rather just hang out with them than spend it in other ways. If you can't, don't despair.


Though you can usually be counted on to make quick decisions, today finds you unable to do so. Let your partner step in if they're willing; otherwise, you'll have to find a way to choose.


The two of you will come together over a social issue you hadn't considered before. Your sense of justice and fair play will be challenged, and you'll agree that something has to be done.


You and your partner are entering a new phase of your relationship -- and now is the time to make sure it's working for you. Set the tone, check your plans and communicate as clearly as you can.


Your itch for travel is at it again, and while this might not be the best time for either or both of you, at least you can talk and make plans. You've got big dreams -- see if you can make them real!


Is your old baggage getting in the way of your current relationship? Now's the time to toss it all out -- or at least as much as you can let go of all at once. You'll feel freer than ever before!

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