Your Daily Couples Horoscope for September 24, 2021
Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!
Virtue is its own reward, yes -- but lately you've been gritting your teeth and being virtuous when you know that it's your darling's turn to step up to the plate. Say something, for goodness sake! Don't be a martyr.
Taking your honey's words at face value means you could miss out on a whole other level of communication. You're giddy with love, so let your natural inclinations draw you closer to the truth at your own speed.
The easiest, simplest solution is generally the best tactic for the long run. Why plan an over-the-top enterprise when a quick, easy fix will resolve the situation just as well and with much less fuss?
Temptation beckons, and you're finding it tough to resist the siren's call. Well, no wonder! Lately it seems as if pressures have been mounting, and that's not even counting the pressure you two put on yourselves.
There's a strong 'push me pull you' vibe going on in your relationship today, but there's no need for worry. This can actually brighten up your situation, especially if you remember to talk about what's going on with you.
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When you act in haste, the solution can end up being worse than the so-called problem. When you manage your impatience more skillfully, you see positive results. Allow the situation to evolve, and then take action.
Are your self-esteem levels affecting your relationship? Look closely at how you're relating to your lover. Which patterns from the past are you repeating? Are you giving and receiving exactly what you need?
Everyone brings some baggage to a relationship. It's important, however, to make sure yours is the carry-on kind for the most part. That means knowing what you're carrying with you at all times.
Every relationship is a dance. In this dance, however, you take turns leading and following. It also helps to switch up the routines occasionally. And, oh yeah -- strut your stuff in front of a crowd every now and then.
Monitoring the vital stats of a relationship is important to maintaining its health, but you can sometimes spend a little too much time worrying about stuff that may not exist. Take a breather every now and then.
Hard work makes big concepts a reality. Now the question is, what exactly do you and your sweetie pie want to make concrete? Talk it over. A few surprising facts may come to light in the course of the conversation.
Accentuate the positive to eliminate the negative. That doesn't mean you have to play Pollyanna, but it does help your relationship when you two focus on what you're doing right before you talk about what needs work.
What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!
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