Your Daily DogScope for April 07, 2022
Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.
It's usually easy for you to put others first; in fact, that's what makes you such a great guard dog. You have your selfish moments, though, and yup, today's the day. One good thing about being a dog is that it won't bother you one bit.
If it's been a while since you and your owner have had a good time together, it's time to shake up your lives. Some things are a given, such as your daily walks, but how can you two make your routine less dull and boring? Give it some thought.
You're no intellectual, but learning new tricks can be a lot of fun, and not just because of the treats and belly rubs. Stretch your mind today, and lay that old saw about senior dogs to rest.
You can guard the door all you want, but no barking or growling can keep some intruders from slipping by when you're looking the other way. You can include the cat in that category. Don't exhaust yourself trying to figure it out.
Caring about the opinions of others is important. After all, you have to keep up your status in your pack. But being a softy behind closed doors is your own business, and believe it or not, other dogs will agree with you.
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Your act of daring has an unusual ripple effect, literally and figuratively. Avoid puddles today as strenuously as you avoid the bathtub.
Why must your owner spend so much time fussing over your coat? It can certainly be annoying, especially when you don't share your human's aesthetic. It's one of the things you have to put up with to be fed, though, regardless of your appreciation of beauty.
Ah, the elusive biscuit. You'd jump through hoops to get one, but some days even that won't do the trick. Being patient isn't easy, but you should understand that biscuits are the last things on your owner's mind today.
All your packmates truly love you; that's what makes going to the dog run so much fun. So even though jogging with your owner gives you plenty of exercise, you need socializing, too. Drag your owner in the right direction.
Begging might net you some treats, but that doesn't mean you should make a career out of it. Come on, have a little pride. Try to keep sitting or shaking at a minimum; you'll feel much better about the resulting reward.
Your instincts might tell you to bark, but you'll get farther by wagging your tail. In fact, you could end up connecting with someone you normally would not, say, the mailman. You could be in for a daily treat instead of a daily conflict.
Uh-oh, your owner threw out your old collar and bought a gaudy new one. There's no hiding, so strut right into the park with your head held high. If the other dogs take offense at your rhinestones, then so be it.
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