Your Daily DogScope for April 13, 2022
Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.
Natter, natter, natter. Some people just can't be pleased. Alas, your owner is one of them today. Lucky for you she's focused on another human, so stay out of sight and out of mind.
Your owner will be put out about being stuck at home, but you can help her make the most of it. You'll both end up enjoying her personal day if you put in but the minimum of effort. In fact, you won't be able to help yourself.
Something is fishy around here. You'll spend the day sniffing out the evidence but not finding any. You can follow your hunch all day, and in fact you should, but some unsettling undercurrents will just never be made clear.
Your owner is having problems with someone at work. If only you were there, you'd set that human straight in no time flat. But since you're stuck at home with the nagging feeling that you have something to deal with, you'll have to resort to chewing.
You have a strong sense of what you want and the enthusiasm to get it. Don't be shocked, though, when getting what you want leads to its polar opposite. Some activities are tied to baths and this is one of them.
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You're the bark-a-lounger. It's one of those seemingly lazy days, but it makes perfect sense. Now is not the time to figure out how to get out; it's simply the time to complain about it. So alternating between barking and lounging is just fine.
Your owner is learning to set some limits. A little discipline never hurt anyone, and frankly, it's about time. You'll be the beneficiary as her new, tight schedule has plenty of regular walks penciled in.
When your owner's boss is having a hard day, so is your owner. But when the boss is in a good mood, your owner gets along with everybody. The same doesn't hold for your relationship with her, but you enjoy the trickle-down good mood.
You came with a 'dog installation CD,' or so it seems at times. Usually you don't have an original thought in your head. Today is the exception, though, and you'll change your way of thinking so much that you might freeze the hard drive.
You've been playing 'good dog' for several days now, and you're finally impressing others. Once you get the prime treats you'll be back to your old self, but for now enjoy your accomplishment.
You're good on the leash, you don't beg, and you stay off the couch. All those ways of being disciplined are worth mentioning, but the one that breaks the bank is not jumping on your owner when she gets home.
You'll be the inadvertent alpha today. You never wanted to be leader of the pack, but when you run, other dogs follow. All cats and squirrels should take note.
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