Your Daily DogScope for July 07, 2022
Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.
Even the most confident dog needs a pat on the back every now and then. You need praise just like the next dog. Take it easy if it's not forthcoming, and resist drastic attempts at getting attention.
Are they war wounds or souvenirs? Either way, they're valuable to you. They're what keep other dogs in awe, after all, so ham it up if that's what it takes to stay on the top of the totem pole.
You don't want just another good day; you want an excellent day. Start with begging until your owner takes you seriously. If that doesn't work, drag your human on a walk of your choice. And as a last resort, slip your collar.
Sometimes bigger is not better. That huge steak bone? A liability. The large bowl of chow? It will weigh you down. Stick to petite and pretty, or short and sweet, as the case may be, if you want to feel your best.
You want to be a good dog, but face it, you have no willpower. Your human loves you the way you are, it's true, but a little bit of self restraint on your part would go a long way. Give it a try, even if it's a stretch.
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You know how to lead your owner around on a string. Or is it a leash? Anyway, don't brag. Other dogs may be more docile than you, or their owners may be not as easily manipulated as yours.
You're just not a lap dog. You like to be active with people, if you have to be around them at all. Today is your lucky day. You'll meet some sporty humans who will run you ragged.
Your owner likes to look attractive, but you think they're just plain old flamboyant. It's hard enough being a good guard dog without all that extra attention. Relax, it's all for fun.
It looks as if your owner is getting ready to travel again. At least that's a good guess, judging by the suitcases. Don't take any chances this time. Jump in and settle down with the sweaters.
You crave the recognition you deserve. And why not? Other dogs are constantly demanding all the attention while you sit by obediently. Today you'll get the 'Good Dog' you've been waiting for.
First you must sit, then shake, then roll over. What next? Those commands may seem like contradictions, but that would be false thinking. Try to enjoy the attention, if not the routine.
You'll have to do the almost impossible: Keep your mind from wandering. You won't find much else to keep you occupied, unless you focus on the seemingly mundane.
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