Your Daily DogScope for March 28, 2024
Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.
Knocking your human off their feet is your least favorite thing to do. And yet you have a high likelihood of doing just that. You need to slow down and repeat to yourself, 'I am on the leash, I am on the leash, I am on the leash.'
Don't fret if you have no deep understanding of what your owner is saying. In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't have even a remote understanding. You and your owner both love listening to the sound of their voice, and that's all that matters.
Why sit around wishing for a walk? Your best hope of getting one is to bring up the subject with your owner. If they have no interest, then try for one on your own. If you make no attempts at all, your only guarantee is a spot in the basket.
Your owner is dragging their heels again. They just don't feel like leaving the doghouse. You really have no choice in the matter, and that means neither do they. End of conversation.
Being good isn't as hard as you're making it. If you need some incentive, remind yourself of the prize. Make it your mantra. Listen to your owner, do what they say, and at all times, remember the biscuit.
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Fun is, well, fun, but love is even better. Your heart throbs today, and not at the sight of a dog fancy, either. Or a steak, for that matter. Seeing your owner in a whole new light reignites your feelings for them.
Staying balanced means not reacting to the cat. It dawns on you that getting your fur up is exactly what they've wanted all these years. The thought is embarrassing at first, but ultimately empowering.
You'll ultimately get your way, even if the plan is still shrouded in mystery. Just knowing what you want and how badly you want it gets you halfway there. Which begging technique to use is almost irrelevant.
You've been hording your biscuits long enough. It's time to break them out and enjoy them. In fact, you have enough by now to make a meal out of them. Try lunch.
High energy is nothing new to you, but how you go about using it is. A novel approach to gaining your freedom is all you need to cement a great day. Prepare for excellent results.
You have neither time nor patience for restrictions of any kind. Even a leash is too confining. It's your way or the highway today, and you'll be taking the highway. Be sure to leave a trail of breadcrumbs.
Daydreams about the coming week are more accurately described as anxiety dreams. Put all thoughts of abandonment aside. Think instead on your owner's presence today, and their return each and every workday.
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