Your Daily DogScope for May 03, 2024
Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.
Your owners are back to thoughts of spending power and earning ability. That leaves you in the emotional doghouse. That's fine with you for once, because you're more than happy to have the place to yourself for a few hours. Enjoy spreading out.
With the kind of intense energy you have, staying in the doghouse is just not practical. Take advantage of your first opportunity to slip out, noticed or unnoticed. Otherwise you'll feel more like a gerbil on a tread wheel than a dog.
You long for the very chatter that drove you mad just yesterday. With the doghouse to yourself, you can almost hear a pin drop or a bill fall from the mail slot. In fact, you'll hear both.
You're feeling too abandoned by your humans to socialize with your pack mates. That won't last long. You'll forget all about your two legged allegiances once you mix it up with your four legged friends. Dive in and have fun.
Beware of getting stuck sitting in the doghouse awaiting your owner's return. They have a career, so why shouldn't you have one of your own to pursue? Start narrowing down the possibilities until you find the one activity in which you excel, even if it's simply gnawing a bone.
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You can still get a lot accomplished today even if you spend the bulk of it without your favorite pair of opposing thumbs. You don't have to fill the day with your usual soul searching, either. There are plenty of active, outward-focused tasks just waiting for your attention.
The leash has a magnetic quality that no dog is immune to. You may feel a bit slow and tired but the minute you hear it call your name, you're out of the basket and ready to go. Add your owner's voice to the mix, and you really have no choice in the matter.
You can fight boredom for only so long. Ultimately it's a stronger force than you are. But you still have the best weapon in any dog's arsenal: sleep. Make sure your basket it filled with just the right combination of toys, blankets and your owner's shoes or socks.
Your owner is getting it right this time, down to the smallest details. The leash is on the way you like it, your collar is comfortable and the route is on target. Is all this due to your communication skills or just dumb luck? Either way, enjoy an exceptional day.
You have the creativity of a child and the hug-ability of a teddy bear. That makes you any kid's best companion. Yes, you're man's best friend but you're better off with those who are table-height.
You're bored. Your ancestors would roll over in their graves if they knew how underappreciated your cushy life is, but hey, they didn't have to live it. It's up to you to find the level of domesticity that suits you. Slipping your collar is only the first step in a journey that changes everything.
It doesn't take your spot-on intuition to know something is up. The smell of a good dinner being made says it all. It's date night, and you have to stake out your spot early. You know just where it is, with the table above you.
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