Your Daily DogScope for May 13, 2024
Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.
Oh, you're good. You can get biscuits, table scraps, even rides in the car just by employing that hangdog look. There doesn't seem to be a human around for miles who's immune to your charms. Enjoy.
You need to have a good time no matter what your circumstances and it's not optional. Consider your very health to depend on it. Even being home alone is no excuse. Nip things in the bud the moment you find yourself moping or pining away for your owners. Find something fun to do instead.
For once you don't need to have your human around to have fun. You're usually so focused on them that you've forgotten that you have everything you need to have a blast, with or without them. Throw in a few of your pack mates and you're good to go.
It's nice to pretend things around the doghouse are run as a partnership, but that illusion can only be maintained until you and your owner have differing opinions. Then you're suddenly reminded that opposing thumbs only come on the upper hand. Sigh.
Things are being smoothed over at the dog park. You won't ever get back to your earlier state of bliss but at least your fur won't go up when you see certain dogs. Enjoy whatever good feelings you have and save the rest for the doghouse.
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Your road to alpha is riddled with minor setbacks. It seems like you'll never dominate anyone. Actually, you're still a puppy on the inside no matter what you think you look like on the outside. Relax, you have time on your side.
Whatever is before your eyes at the moment is what you go for, whole hog. You have no sense of balance. But then again, that's what your owner is for. Don't get upset when they drag you away. Know it's for your own good.
Tossing ideas around is not your view of a good time. You like tossing something more physical, preferably round. Teach your humans to talk and play fetch at the same time and you'll never have to sit idly at their ankles again. Your trick for the day is how to make your suggestion.
You think the law of the jungle is pretty fair. Your owners have other ideas. It goes without saying who will prevail, so take some time to prepare for defeat. You'll bounce back that much faster once you accept that justice isn't really the issue.
Your day is lacking challenges, but that's only at first glance. Once you look a bit deeper, you can see plenty of ways to not only keep yourself occupied but to learn and grow from the experience. Your human will hardly recognize the new you.
You'll finally connect with a certain dog. Did you impress them in the end or did being aloof simply wear them out? Either way, you have your own doggedness to thank for making a new friend. Chalk another one up to persistence.
If you never saw a select few of your pack mates ever again, you'd honestly never miss them. Others, on the other hand, you'd never stop pining for. Unfortunately, you don't get to pick and choose your pack mates. But when your alpha does the job for you today, you'll be very, very happy.
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